Haymaker With A Twist v 1.3
by Will Wright
The Gaming Connection
Maryville, Tennessee
Saturday August 5th, 2000
Gym Heroes Pre-Release Tourney
35 participants
This is the very first time I have ever sent in a killer deck
and this one did perfect for me. We started out at 10:00 am with 35 people
playing at a new gym I had never been to so I had no idea what I was up
against. Everyone was given 2 brand new Gym Hero Unlimited booster packs
with the chance to win up to 12 more packs. With some time to deck construct
and the ability to add any of the new cards I pulled which were as follows:
2) Misty's Tentacruel Holo (1 in each pack)
1) Erika's Exeggutor
1) Erika's Gloom
2) Brock's Goldbat
1) Lt. Surge's Magnemite
1) Secret Mission trainer
1) Lt. Surge's Pikachu
2) Sabrina's Gastly
1) Misty's Poliwag
1) Blain's Vulpix
1) Brock's Zubat
1) Blains' Charmander
2) Erika's Exeggcute
1) Erika's Bellsprout
1) Misty's Duel Trainer
1) Energy Flow Trainer(Great Card!!)
2) Rock Energy Cards w/Gym logo
and we all received 1) Misty's Seadra Pre-release holo
I added the 1) Energy Flow Trainer to my deck and took out 1 of my 3 Ditto
cards. We had to play as many people as we could within the 3 hour limit.
The gym leader changed one rule saying you could battle the same person
again as long as you battled 4 different people in between. No forfeits, all
6 prize games. 2 point for a win, 1 point for a loss. I played 14 games and
won all of them. Here is my card list for the tournament.
Haymaker With A Twist v 1.3
2 Ditto (I did have 3)
2 Chansey
3 Scyther
4 Electabuzz
3 Hitmonchan
4 Bill
4 Oak
4 Scoop up
2 Energy Remove
2 Super Energy Remove
2 Comp Search
2 Item Finder
1 Energy Flow (For each of your Pokemon, you may return any number of Energy
cards attached to it to your hand.)
4 Double Colorless
8 Electric Energy
9 Rock Energy
I played against a variety of decks including Turbo Wiggly, Classic
Haymakers, Rapidash/Magmar, Onix/Hitmonchan, Charizard/Wigglytuff and most
decks had the new Gym Hero cards in them which made it very hard to know
what to expect. The closest I got to a loss was against the
Rapidash/Fossil Magmar deck. After flipping about 20 tails in a row I drew
my last card and took out her Rapidash with my Ditto doing Agility for 30
and taking my last prize. I went up against a Dark Muk and handled it fairly
well with a ditto and doing Sludge Punch and poisoning right back, then
scooping up and watching him get knocked out. My Hitmonchans took care of
all the Wiggly/Chansey combos and when I saw an Onix or other Rock type
Scyther took um out. I scored 28 points but did not place in the top 8
for the prizes even though the majority of those that did place I had won
against prior. Several of the top winners would not play against me "To
save my record" and settled more on the rapid win against ones they
knew but I still felt my deck did excellent. I loved the combo of Energy
Flow/Scoop Up trainers and wish I had more than 1. There was 3 matches where I
kept going up against Fossil Magmars that caused the game to be drawn out
and as most should know this deck is made for speed and never to stall.
There were several matches where Hitmonchan took out jigglypuff before
Wiggly could get played or was energy removed several times. I did happen to
come in 2nd on the "Most Sportsman Like" award which I am very
proud of and was awarded by votes from everyone at the tourney, especially
since I was in a new gym and knew no one but made several friends and had a
super great time! Oh and as far as my Mulligan count: 13 matches no
Mulligan, 1 match double Mulliganed and my opponent single Mulliganed.
Props to the owners of the Gaming Connection for being so very
nice and allowing everyone to play.
Props to Wizards for coming up with this tourney
Props to everyone I played against for being very honest and fair
Small slops to the rule change that allowed repeat plays with the same
person vs 1 game w/ each person rule.
Thanks for reading my report!
-Will Wright
P.S. Sorry for not doing a play-by-play but 14 matches in 3 hours was a lot
to do.