Team Rocket WaterFall (Water)
by Sean Calkin
Matt's Sportscards and Comics
Enfield, Ct
Saturday, August 19, 2000

Team Rocket WaterFall
3x Squrtle
2x Dark Wartortle
1x Dark Blastoise
1x Articuno Movie Promo
2x Onmanyte
1x Omastar
2x Scyther
3x Dratini
2x Dark Dragonair


4x Bill
2x Oak
2x The Boss's Way
1x Narrow Gym
2x Switch
1x NGR
2x Energy Retrevial
1x Blaine's Gamble
2x SP
1x CS


17x Water
2x DCE

 Alright I came in second of the tournament and it worked out really well.
Here is what happened:

Round 1 Me vs. A fire deck
Alright this seemed simple I started with three squrtle and four water
energy. He only had a vulpix. After a couple turns I won because Squrtle used
bubble and vulpix did nothing. Plus he had no benched pokemon!


Round 2 Me vs. Some kid with lightning and grass.
I had only Articuno and he had only a bulbasaur so after about three turns
articuno used Diamond Dust and won because I kept parilyzing and attacking
the bench. ( He only had 1 benched a oddish. )


Round 3 Me vs. Pure Colorless Deck
I started with a Dratini and a scyther. He had a  Clefairy. I used dratini
and then the next turn I had DCE and water so I evolved him into Dark
Dragonair and attacked with tail strike. I did 40 damage to clefairy after
about 5 turns of doing nothing because of Sing. I won because She had no more


Round 4 I did not have to fight because of the uneven number.


Final Round 5  Me vs. Moltres Stall deck

He had a Moltres Movie Promo Firedeck and I had Articuno after about 3 turns
he flipped heads and couldn't attack so I flipped and parilyzed. I think all
my pokemon was in the prizes because I got no basic! When Moltres was down he
had only one more basic and because of diamond dust one more hit was left. I
did it and I won.

By Sean Calkin