City: Pasadena
                                                       State: Maryland
                                                       Place: WaldenBooks :
In Marley Station Mall
                                                       Date: July 18
You Are Now Entering Area 52..................This is Where WE Hide All The
TOPSECRET Pokemon From Giovannis Lab To Test There Strenth In
Battle!...................And Now..............The Pokemon.............
3x TR Abra (This is a new breed of abra. And is much better then the weakling
we used to have!)
3xDark Kadabra (A New Special Dark Breed we have discovered it is very
tough....but only there for evolution!)
3x Dark Alakazam (ahhh....Our Pride And Joy Of Our Creations! And Chancey is
goin DOWN!!!!!
3x TR Phyduck (We Have Been Studying this pokemon and its seems it has
exsessive uses!)
3xDark Golduck (This Pokemon is very good! It also has the power to
exsessively draw cards! hahahaahh!)
2xScyther ( favorite Pokemon! no need to explain here!)
2xPromo Mewtwo (DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

3xThe boss's Way (AAAAHHHHHHH MY BOSS!!!!!!!!!! RUN!)
2x Pokemon Trader ( A man we FORCED into trading pokemon for us! He is very
useful! HAHAHAHA!)
2xOaks (we have been holding MR.Oak for Hostage! hahahahahaha!)
2xBills (DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2xBreeder (Our very own Poke' Breeder makes our Dark Alakazams come faster!)
3xGOW (DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2xComp. Search( To get our Alakazams!)
3xPluspower ( To kill off little weaklings! hahahahaha!)
1xNightly Garbage Run (for insurance!)

14xPhychic Energy

And Now For your Reading Pleasure ............................The Test
Battles at Giovannis Gym!

Test Battle 1: Trainer with stall Deck   Age:9
My Opening Hand Is abra, breeder,and energys
He has Onix
I go first I Physhock with para!
He Draws and passes
I! I use physhock with para! hahahahaha!
He goes Draws And Passes
I go Draw...........ALAKAZAM.........and breeder slap an energy on it and
tell him to go!
He Draws And Passes (This Guy Is Having A bad Day!)
I slap one on alakazam and Mindshock
He Draws Puts Fighting on Onix And Rockthrows!
I go Draw energy! Mindshock for the WIN He has no bench!

Sorry But We Couldnt Complete Any More Test Battles! I spent my league time
building this with my TR Buddy Josh Williams! And the GYM Leader Said No 
more Battles could Be Started! But Thats OK!.....................I  scored a
card of my very own infact...........I found it Behind The Ruins! Its Name Is
ESPeon and when i get translations from pojo........Im using it !
....................And with out further adue!...............ESPEON But For
Now My Name Is David  From TR HQ And I will Be Back!!!!!!!! hahahahaha! 
David Pechillo
                                                                           Is My E-mail
l[Unable to display image]ESPeon