The grass Trapper
by Matt (matt_man)
Aprentice League Chat
Sat, Nov 25, 2000

The Grass Trapper
I'm using my trapper deck in this Apprentice league tournament. (trapper is seriously the Deadliest and feared cmbo in pokemon! And I used it here!
2 Narrow Gym
3 Oak
4 bill
4 comp search
2 goop gas
2 item finders
4 ER
4 grass energy
2 potion energys
2 Full Heal energies
4 Double colorless Energies
4 scyther
4 ditto
2 gust of wind
3 Sneaks
3 Traps

I'm doing this Report in between rounds, so I will be as acurat as posible

Round 1 vs. Electric/fire deck

He creemed me. I got beat really fast. I had only a scyther, and he had a magmar. I stalled as long as possible, but I got killed.
(This deck isn't great against Fire)

round 2 vs Raven(losers bracket)

well, I got the trap off turn one, and he only had one scyther, vs my ditto. I danced, as did he, but I Ered his energy, and hit em for 60. then he played an energy, and I won. YAY!

Rpund 3 vs. another trapper
Well, I almost Decked my self trapping him, but I got him handless. I beat his scyther with my scyther, and he only had a hitmonchan, so he game up

Round 4 vs. Veesh(another Trapper). I added 2 plus power and took out a full heal and a potion.....

Unfortunately, he got to first. and that makes a big difference. He got me with a erica's jiggly, and all I had was a ditto. Oh well. I gues this backs up ness's flawed game of pokemon article. Oh well

Cya soon ppls

Matt H