Mewtwo's Miscellany
by Alan Mitchell
Dallas/Fort Worth Airport
Saturday, November 25th, 2000
5 participants

    My deck report needs a preface. A little personal history. The STS tour
had come to Valley View mall. I went confident in my skills and my deck. I
always won at League with this colorless deck (Wiggly/Ditto/Tauros). I was
sure I could get my golden invitation. I am on cloud nine. Round one- I play
a young man with a Raindance deck. Argh. I get three Dittos. OK, I can handle
this. He gets his combo off. Darn. All right, I can DCE, I can use ER and
SER. He has 28 energies, and I don't have any Item Finders in my deck (all in
prizes, I'm not sure how). OK, I'll just use Gust of Winds and PlusPower,
Ditto can be a damage factory. He uses Goop Gas Attack. How can this happen?
He wins, and I return to League as sheepish as I can possibly be (BTW, I am
my league's champion, or as close as one can be.)

Mewtwo's Miscellany-

4X Mewtwo (Lv. 60)
3X Ditto
4X Scyther
2X Rocket's Mewtwo (Nothing is more fun than a basic that does 60 before
3X PlusPower
3X Gust of Wind
4X Challenge!
4X Professor Oak
3X The Rocket's Trap
4X Rocket's Sneak Attack
3X Lass
4X Computer Search
3X Item Finder
2X Full Heal Energy
4X Double Colorless Energy
10X Psychic Energy

The Report-
    The event is poorly organized. They had to find a judge. Oh well. Five
people have signed up, but only four are there (a little girl, two eight?
year old boys, and myself). Well, guess who waltzes in! Mr. Raindance (my
apologies for the lack of your name; it eludes me at the moment)! Argh. The
tournament is double elimination.

With five players, we have to have a bye. We each roll 1d10. I roll a 9.
Hoody Hoo! Mr. Raindance gets 10. Blargh! All Magic players know that a bye
is always desirable.

Round One- Little boy with a lousy Haymaker
    The lousy requires clarification. It stank. Who combines Electabuzz,
Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Aerodactyl, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff? He does! Oh
    I draw, mulligan, than get a hand with Scythers. OK. I put them out. All
he has are Hitmonchans. I start slashing, and then charge up a Ditto. He
brings out the 'Buzz, kills Scyther, than I kill it with Ditto. I start to
charge a Mewtwo, and when Ditto falls, he comes out and Mewtwo is his usually
homicidal self. I win! Go me!

Round Two- Mr. Raindance!
Argh. It was a back and forth, but then he Breedered and I waste most of m
pokies taking Blastoise down. I start to charge up a Mewtwo to whip his
Articuno. Articuno is Blizzard capable, so I send out that ever popular
damage sponge Scyther. I was oblivious to the fact he needed only one more
prize. Doh! I lose.

Round Three- Little kid with Raindance
What is the deal with all these Raindance. The breakdown of the decks is 20%
Sponge, 40% Raindance, 20% Haymaker, and 20% lame evolution decks (please
note that only five people show up). I don't see much of the deck. Mewtwo
mops up his Articuno and Magikarp. I win.

Finals- Mr. Raindance
    Argh. The match is long and arduous. He has beaten most of my pokemon. I
have three cards in my deck and four prizes. My Mewtwo absorbs. He attacks,
but I'm OK. I psyburn and kill the next turn. He has two benchers, one in
psyburn range. I draw, and as if by a miracle by the lord, it is a lass. I
lass my item finder back into the deck. He goes, and the next turn and he
brings out a squirtle. He bubbles, but it doesn't paralyze. I draw my last
card. I psyburn. I win?!?!?! No, I don't. Apparently I must beat him an
additional time. I thought that this was the finals!!?!?!

Finals2- Mr. Raindance
    Fate is a cruel master at times. Because I am the best pokemon card
player (In my little pond, at least). And I flaunt it, I always lose at
tournaments. The only time I have won a tournament it was before I went to
league and figured out I rocked. History repeats itself.
    I get my opening hand. I Mulligan. I draw again. Mulligan again!!? I draw
once more. Huzzah! I draw two DCEs, a Professor Oak, and a Ditto. To quote
SNL, "I am bullet proof." I put out Ditto and progress to start well. He uses
Rocket's Sneak Attack to get my Oak. All right, I have a CPU search, I'll get
him back. He uses Rocket Sneak Attack again. *stream of curses here* He than
use breeder to put out Blastoise. *stream of curses* He retreats for
Blastoise. All right, I have five energy on Ditto, I can win. He Oaks, maxes
out Blastoise with energy. *Curses* Oh well, I have my next draw, and about
half of the cards in my deck could help now. I say, "OK, so 60 damage."
He replies, "Just a moment." He PlusPowers twice. Argh. He Oaks. Pluspower.
Oak. Oak. CPU search. He doesn't have his last PlusPower in his deck. Huzzah!
I take 90 damage. I draw. Psychic Energy. *Very large amount of cursing* He
wins the next turn.

Prizes and wrap-up-
    I win four Gym Heroes packs and my choice of theme decks from the same
set for rating second. I get the Erika deck and a Rocket's Hitmonchan in my
packs, along with some junk. I trade a Cool Porygon for one of the new promo
Pikachus. Mr. Raindance asks what I want to trade for my Charizard. I say,
"What was in your six boosters and your Erika deck." He says he has already
promised the judge his Erika's Vileplume, and he wants to keep the energy
from the deck. I say OK. We trade, and all is groovy. He had a Rocket's
Moltres, an Erika's Vileplume (the irony here is emphasized), a Brock (holo)
and a Misty's Tentacruel. And a bunch of junk. I'm actually happy.

Mr. Raindance for making such an awesome trade.
That kid for trading me that Pikachu.
Me, for rocking at the tournament.

Mr. Raindance, for always showing up at the wrong moment.
Mr. Raindance, for winning.
Mr. Raindance, for using raindance (what's up with that).
Me, for losing to Mr. Raindance.
Me, for not being able to remember any names whatsoever.
Those RPGA guys for not liking me and rating me last. (Not Related)
The Con Dealer's room. (Bad selection and bad prices)
My e-mail system for sending this halfway through my writing it.

The following were problems with my deck:
No Energy Removals in my deck.
Challenge! should be changed to Bill.

Send questions, comments, advice, rabid fan mail (big ego), and rabid hate
mail to me, Alan Mitchell, at
-No sig man out. (No one has noticed the irony of my signature to date.)