Turbo Wave v2.04 (Psycic)
by tAsEr<~~~~~
Clubhouse Sports Club
Saturday,November 25, 2000
15 participants
At first I was going to play my C-H-A-O-S deck but I had not got all my TR zapados, so I decided to play Turbo Wave:


4x jiggly
3x wiggly
3x mp mewtwo
2x chansey
2x scyther


4x oak
4x bill
4x comp.
3x item.
4x RSA
2x gow
2x nrg
2x ngr
2x scoop up
1x gga
4x plus power


10x psycic
4x dce

Round 1 vs. Stevens Little Sister
This was a perfect game I started out with jigly. Turn 2 I got wiggly out and cleaned house.

Round 2 vs. Franky
I started out really good again and eventualy destroyed al his pokemon...

Round 3 vs. Carlos
This was a good match... I started out and RSA his trainers away that left him stuck then I started building up my bench got wiggly out and scored some prizes.Later he got his xhaos gym out and we were both trapped he got a couple of trainers out and I pulled a no removal gym I save it towards the end of the game.I neede 1 more prize and was about 2 deck my self do i pulled my card I played no removal gym  and gow up his mp mewtwo atached a pluspower and do the wave 4 70 4 a  game.

Round 4 vs. Anthony
This was A pretty bad hand he was winning  eventualy I pulled out and won!!!

Round 4 vs. Diego
This was a one hit wonder he started witha ditto i started with a jiggly I went 1st I got out 4 pluspower and won again...

Round 5 vs. Steven
He started out good and got rid of my hand from there on I could not recover.And I loose...

1st- Me
2nd- Caarlos
3rd- Steven
4th- Gage
This was the 6th time I have placed 1st....
Got a prob. with this wana talk about it e-mail me taser14@hotmail.com  or AIM: tazer14