deck name:Surge's Secrets
when:November 16, 2000
where:Microplay   Pottstown,PA
about 10 people in attendance
17  Pok'emon
4 Electabuzz(base set/2)
4 Voltorb(team rocket)
4 Electrode(base set)
1 Zapdos(fossil)
1 Ivy Pikachu(promo)
1 Pikachu(jungle)
2 Chansey(base set/2)
Strong cheap attacks let you put on heavy damage in just a few turns. This effect also lets you build up starters for replacements.So you can stall and build up the big guns like Zapdos and Electrode.
15 Trainers
4 Super Energy Removal
4 PlusPower
2 Gust Of Wind
4 Computer Search
1 Pok'emon Center
1 Switch
2 Professor Oak
25 Energys
23 Electric
2 Double Colorless
In the beginning my opponent had a Venonat and I had a 2 Electabuzz and a
Chansey.He attached a grass energy and attacked for 10.  I used a Pok'emon center,attached a pluspower, and an electric energy.He drew a Bulbasaur and used a switch. I attached a double colorless energy and thunderpunched to beat Bulbasaur. On my opponent's next turn he attacked for 10. I thunderpunched for the WIN! But everyone else took so long, that it had to be continued later.