Place:Toy's R Us
20  Participants
this is my first time ever posting a Killer deck report so let's get on with it
4 Electabuzz
2 Scyther
2 LT.Surges Pikacku LV.15
1 LT.Surges Raichu   LV.38
3 Pikachu [60hp one]
2 Dk Raichu
3 bill
2 gust of wind
2 switch
3 potion
2 master ball
2 comp search
2 super energy removal
3 pluspower
24 electric
ROUND 1:me vs wiggly deck
my hand was 1 dce,2elec,1 buzz,3 pp.I go first he has a jiggly active.I attach energy and thundershock .Heads.She attaches
energy to jiggly then passes then my turn Iattach energy to buzz and attach 2 pluspowers then I attacked for 50.I won.Because
.She ran out of basics.
Round 2:me vs raindance
I had a pika and he had two squit i went first attach a energy and growled.He attaches enery and bubbles for no damage and no
paralize.My turn I attach and kill squit.I get bill in my prize.He sent out squit and bubbles and paralize.I draw and get PP and then I bill and get a dk raichu and a electric then i evolved pika and surprise thunder.I won.He had no basic.
That was My day at the league Now for props/slops
to buzz
my mom for taking me
for living
To charzard for sucking so much    
please Email me at
and please post this!!!!!!!!!!!!