by: Gilbert
Astral Castle
<ed note:  Say "Hi Everyone" the the Oddland Dragons for me since I was a one-time honorary member after my inaugural trip to Astral Castle.  -Scott>
Midland, Texas
November 11, 2000
around 6 people

     I just got back from a tournament from Astral
Castle. There was only 6 people (which really sucked
because there was not much competition). I took a
brand-spankin new untested deck I call: Rollon'.

This deck comes from my original deck I call "Let It
Flow", only with a lot of changes. This deck is
somewhat of a mewtwo maker, only(maybe) better. Here
is the deck:

3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
3 Mewtwo
1 Erica's Dratini

4 Bill
4 Plus Power
4 Computer Search
4 Rocket Sneak Attack
3 Oak
3 Gust of Wind
3 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Mr. Fuji

4 DC Energy
7 Fighting Energy
7 Psy Energy
6 Grass Energy

Double Elimination:

1st Round: Rollin' vs. ???(Brock Deck)
This guy was pretty cool. I start off with
Scyther(resistance) and a Hitmonchan bench. I go
first. Basically Scyther took out a lot of his pokemon
since he was weak to grass. Then Hitmonchan came in
and killed 1 Diglett, and 2 Mankeys. for the game.
Record: 1-0

2nd round: Rollin' vs. Charles(Haymaker)
A close game i dont really remember, only the ending.
LOL! I get heads on a coin flip with Erica's Dratini
to kill his Scyther for my last prize.
Record: 2-0

3rd round: Rollin' vs. Charles(Haymaker)again!!!
I had to beat him only one game, but he had to beat me
2 since i was undefeated. I go first. He has two
'buzzes to my two 'chans(grin). I Rocket Sneak Attack
him to strip him of his only trainer: Oak!!! It was
over in about 3 turns, since he saw nothing but
Record: 3-0

I won the tourney and got 2 Gym Heroes packs(not bad
for a free tournament). I got a Rocket Moltres and a
stupid Misty's Goldeen!

ME for winning
My Mom for driving me
My competition
Astral Castle for the free tournaments
Scott for actually taking a lot of time from his life
to post and fix decks!!!
Rollin' for its 5-0 record (I played two warm-up

Only one: Stupid cards like Misty's Goldeen
