  By: ZoMbiE       
name of deck: Viagra
when: November 19, 2000
type: Fighting/Colorless
where: Pittsburgh,PA
place: eXiT 13 tournament
time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM ( very long )
about 15 people there

Pokemon: 16
4x Jigglypuff
3x Wigglytuff ( fast and good attacks
3x Kangaskhan
3x Hitmonchan
2x Ditto
1x  Scyther

Trainers: 29
4x Professor Oak
4x Bill
3x Item Finders
3x Computer Searches
3x PlusPower
3x Gust of Wind
3x Energy Retrievals
3x Scoop Up
3x Lass

Energy: 15
11x  Fighting Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Thanks Scott for the help with this Great deck

The strategy for this deck is to get Wigglytuff
out as fast as you can with a full bench. Then
hitmonchan is to fight them Haymakers with
Hitmonchan. You do not need to many energy
becuase they come fast and you can get them back
with energy retrieval. This deck is really really fast.
But thats the best part of it now he's my deck :

First, i have to tell you I got there at 12:45 and
it started at 10 AM so i as late. i bought 2 packs
i got a Base Dragoniar and a Giovanni's Pinsir

Let The Battling Begin!!!

First battle
Me Vs Robby with Colorless deck (3 prized match)

I started with a Hitmonchan he starts with snorlax.
I attached a Fighting (F) energy and jab. then he
attached a Dce to his Kangaskhan I attach a F
energy and jab he has 10 Hp left due to weaknesses.
he attached a fighting energy to his kangas kangaskhan
i jab he's dead. he sent out and comet punches for 60
damage. I'm building up wigglytuff now but I attach a
energy to Chan' and special punch he has 10 left he comet
punches for 40 i'm dead. I sent out a wigglytuff add a dce
and with 3 basic pokemon it does 40 damage Khan is dead.
he sent out his Giovanni's moewth and does nothing . I add a
pluspower for the win.


Second Battle
Me Vs Person with Grass/Electric deck

This was a fast battle i sent out ditto while he had
Tr Zapdos i did 20 damage he did 20 then he died
and sent out odish i attacked then he did and i was dead
sent out hitmonchan for the win becuase of no basics.


Me Vs Kid with Pre constructed brck deck

this was a really long battle so i'll try to make it fast
he kept on stalling with a Onix with bellow but i had
hitmonchan and was jabbin and special punching.
Until, i got in a hurry to kill his ryhdon so i used gust of wind
and special punched Rhydon. His turn he did that 70 damage
attack and got heads dang i'm dead i sent out wiggly and knocked
him out with one prize left my wiggly died so i sent out another hitmonchan
jabbed and specialed punch for the win


So thats my deck hope you like it. I won nothing cuz i ame in 4th out of 15
people not that bad for coming late. But i didnt win nothing except the cool
porygon and psyduck they passed out

prop for winning my battles
prop for getting a dragonair (i like them)
prop for the donuts

slop for getting there late

Here's my email for Questions or comments