HIIIII!!!!!! Pojo
My name is John W.
I usually go to tournaments at a place called "Gema Books".  PA. in
Wilke-Barre There where about 16 attendants.
Well I just made a deck like rain dance and this is it: "Water Fall"

3 squirtle                ( 16 pokemon)
1 warturtle
2 blastoise
3 magikarp
3 gyrados
1 articuno
2 lapras ( Mr. Mime Killer)
1 kangaskon

3 bill                     ( 19 trainers)
3 c. search
1 poketrader
2 pokebreeder
2 s.e.removal
2 e.retreival
3 gust of wind
2 switch
1 item finder

22 water energy
3 d.c.e.

round 1
me and ( kid with hay maker)
No problem with this match , got out blastoise and killed scyther in two hits.
easy victory ( he had no more basics) (1-0)

round 2
me and (kid with stall deck)
It was a quick battle for a stall deck. I kncked out both of his chanseys
with my gyrados.   (2-0)

round 3
me and (another rain dance kid)
this was a very difficult battle ( i had 1 basic and that was the "Karp")
but I used prof oak and drew ( 1 magikarp, 2 gyrados, 1bill and 3 energy)
I evolved my gyrados's and took over.  picked up all 6 prizes finally
   ( 3-0)

final round
me and my friend john N.
he has an anti evolution deck ( yikes)
well this was a quick battle i only had a squirtle out
he killed me on the first hit with Hitmonchan and 2 plus powers
and i came in second.......   (3-1)

props to my first few victim's for being nice
props to my charizard i won in my 7 booster packs
slops to my squirtle for losing

well if you have any questions on how my deck works  contact me at  