This is the first aero mew deck i have built, and God I love it. It consists of the aerodactyl mew line, with power to slaughter their basics after de evloving them. This deck was played in a tourney at Mega Comics in Gainesville FL, on Saturday, Feb. 5. it was single elimination Heres the deck:
2 aerodactyl
2 (promo) mewtwo
3 (promo) mew
2 mr mime
3 scyther
2 hitmonchan
2 mysteroius fossil
2 prof. oak
2 computer search
1 pokemon trader
2 super energy removal
2 scoop up
1 pokeball
2 gow
1 pokemon center
2 bill
1 switch
5 grass
12 psychic
8 fighting
60 total cards
now..... on to the report!
round 1(ding ding)
AeroMew vs Andrew Moon w/ hellmaker
    This kid is a city-wide cheater (theres one in every bunch). I drew an ok hand, m. fossil aerodactyl, and the rest energys. he started with a god hand (coincidentially) i drew a mr mime and played it, laying an energy down. he layes a moltres with a zapdos on bench. he then professor oaked a bunch of energys (he announces everything) and draws  *drom roll*......... magmar, electabuzz, gow, switch, and a few others.he benched the mar and buzz, gowed my aero and passed. I had the judge check his deck cuz it looked big. the total cards in his deck were 65, with 5 GOW and 5 switch. result for him= disqualification! (he also only layed down five prizes)
round 2
AeroMew vs. AJ McNally with grass psy
    This is my best friend and i know his deck well. I tried as fast as i could to get out aerodactyl. i had one out by turn four. after the aero came into play he had nothing. my scythers and hitmonchans demolished his venonats and mimes. after the game he showed me his hand. eight evolution cards! and the things to evolve them! thank god he couldn't find GOW.
round 3
AeroMew vs Some Kid with ?????
    this kid really got far (not). he layed doen a aerodactyl and passed. i played scyther (mwahahaha!) and played a grass nrg. he passed again with nothing on the bench. I drew the game winning DCE and recieved the win.
round 4
AeroMew vs Some Kid 2 with psychic
    I played a mewtwo and a mr mime on bench. I energyed mewtwo and passed. he played jigglypuff and lullabyed me to sleep. I drew a pokeball and woke up. I pokeballed to get hitmonchan after a very lucky wobbling coin flip. I layed a DCE on mew2 , a fighting on hitmonchan and retreated mewtwo to do 40 to jiggly with hitmonchan. ( A DCE doesn't count as your basic enerfgy card.) he drew abra  and pounded. i killed the sorry pathetic jigglypuff with a nasty jab to the head. he eventually went down with the help of scyther.
round 5
championship match
AeroMew vs old guy w/ psy fire
     this definately wasn't a fun match. i mulliganed twice! and only to draw mew. i knew i had no chance. luckily i had a pokeball that worked to draw mew2. i was vey thankful to shuffle my deck. i still had no chance after i drew mewtwo. his gengars and charizards were two powerful.    
well over all i came in second. i recieved 5 boosters. I liked that i also got $10 in store credit whih i used to buy a first ed. pack. I got a first ed. BLASTOISE in it! i had a lot of fun for my first tourney.   
Props and Slops:
props to Mega Comics for the great tourney
props to AJ for showing
props to prizes for me getting a first ed blastoise
slops to me losing the champoinship match
slops to single elimination so AJ could've done better
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