Hey Pojo! I posted my last report
on Feb. 11, and now i'm posting how i did again today at pkmn league. Today
was Feb. 13 of 2000. there were about 40 people there at Books-A-Million in
Gainesville FL. anywho, here's the deck:
2 aerodactyl
3 hitmonchan
2 hitmonlee
3 mew
2 (promo) mewtwo
2 mr.mime
14 psychic
14 rock
2 mysteroius fossil
2 computer search
4 bill
2 prof. oak
2 scoop up
2 gust o' wind
2 pokeball
60 cards
if you didnt take the time to
notice this deck got slimmed down A LOT. I resulted into going psy/fighting
just to experiment, and it worked better than ever. I also made the trainers a
bit worse so that i could:
A) build another deck
B) play (and have a challenge)
against the kids at pkmn league. most of them really suck except for two or
three people, who actually gave me a challenge today. I needed another
hitmonlee today for my deck, and i got one right before my first match.
kid gave me no challenge at all. he playes two decks, one of which i
absuluetly slaughtered. he played a fire deck, which only had 17 energies in
it (large common mistake in most fire decks i see at league). he started with
a eevee and a growlithe, me (mulliganing) a hitmonchan. He played growlithe
and i hitmonchan. I drew a prof. oak and used it after i computer searched for
a promo mewtwo. i benched mewtwo and sacked 3 nrg's w/ a prof oak. i drew a
hitmonlee and another prof oak, and a few bills. I played all the bills(2) and
then prof oaked again. by this time i had a dominating force of pokemon and
trainers so that there was no way anyone could beat me.
kid as game one. i ended up playing him four times, only difference in this
game was he gave me some trouble. we both still had six prizes and it came
down to me having hitmonchan, mew2, and mr. mime. he had kadabra and growlithe.
it was growlithe vs hitmonchan. hitmonchan killed growlite, but only had 10 HP
left. he played kadabra, psybeamed for the kill, and i played a fully powered
mewtwo. i psywaved to secure the win.
again the same
kid. vulpix vs. hitmonlee. i won easily.
watched Andrew Moon play the same kid from games 1-3. andrew was losing
horribly. Andrew finally stoped cheating because he was able to build a OK
deck and use it, so thats better. I then played three-way with kid from 1-3
and andrew. It was basically Andrew and i dominating on 1-3 kid, then
andrew vs me, and i got the better of him.
so overall i was undefeated for
the day(again) and won(bought) two boosters and a drink. now onto props and
Props : )
props to andrew who finally stopped
props to the gym leadre for giving me my badge
props to pojo!
props to everyone out there who helped create
Ross Chamberlain