Well, hello again.  This is now my second article for pojo, if it gets
posted.  Well, anyways, i just entered another pokemon tournament, this one
not as big.  It was located in Myrtle Beach, and the tournament was held at a
local store called Heroes Hangout.  Only eight people entered in this
tournament, and you had to win all three games, or get two wins and one loss
to win something.  If you got first, you got twenty bucks to spend in the
store, and if you got second, you got ten dollars.  In this tournament, i
used my best deck, my haymaker.

12  Lightning energy
12  Fighting energy
2   Double Colorless energy

4   Hitmonchan  (Some haymakers use muk/grimer or fossil magmar in his place)
4   Electabuzz   (Best basic in my opinion)
3   Scyther        (did not put in grass energy cause it would take up too
much space)

4   Bill
2   Prof oak (every deck should have them)
3   Gust of wind
4   Energy removal
4   Super energy removal
2   Super Potion
2   Potion
1   Pokedex
1   Energy Retrieval
Note:  i did not put in pluspowers because if you get them all out, that is
only 40 extra damage, and there are more optimal trainers like an extra super
energy removal and gust of wind

Round 1:
    Well, in the first match, i was playing against a fire and fighting deck.
They got some ok basic pokemon like machop, vulpix, and charmander, but not
enough energy to do anything since i got a lot of energy removals.  Anyway,
this is what my hand looked like:  Hitmonchan, scyther, one electric two
fighting, bill, energy removal.  i played scyther as my active and hitmonchan
on the bench.  i got to go first, so i retreated scyther for free ( that is
why he is better than farfetchd) and sent out hitmonchan.  i put on an
energy, and did 20. My opponent tried to get up enough energy to attack, but
i did not let up and got out three energy removals and a super energy removal
in my next 9 cards, thanks to prof oak.  he only attacked my hitmonchan three
times: 10 with sratch 30 with ember, and 20 with low kick.  anyways, i won
that game quite easily.
Record 1-0

Round 2
    In this match i played against a psychic and electric deck that also had
not lost.  i only got a hitmonchan in my starting hand, but i had two bills
so i wasnt too worried.  But then i did get worried when my opponent got to
go first, and had an abra as thier basic.  they put an energy out and  and a
pluspower and did twenty (hitmonchan has weakness to psychic) to my
hitmonchan.  AND HE PARALYZED ME! by then i was i was worried.  next turn i
drew, used the bills, got some more energy and an oak.  thank gosh for the
proffessor oak!!  I put an energy on hitmonchan and then thought about what
to do.  i realized the only way my hitmonchan could get knocked out was if my
opponent did forty more damage to my hitmonchan, which would mean two
pluspowers, so i decided to wait to use the oak later.  well, my opponent
then drew his card, attached an energy to his mr mime, and did twenty to my
hitmonchan with no paralyzation.  then i drew a super potion.  so i played
the super potion which left hitmonchan with ten damage on him, put an energy
on him, and did twenty to abra.  my opponent then drew and decide to keep
attacking with abra.  he did but with no paralyzation.  then i drew a
scyther, and put an energy on it.  then i knocked out the abra.  after the
next couple of turns, mr mime knocked out my hitmonchan, and i had a fully
loaded scyther and electabuzz.  it was kind of hard to knock out mime with
the electabuzz, but i did.  after that, my opponent only knocked out another
one of my hitmonchans again, with mewtwo.  then i got my last prize, thanks
to my electabuzz.
Record 2-0

Round 3
    Haymaker vs. Haymaker.  This was for the championship.  Or at least for
that twenty bucks.  We pretty much got the same hand as each other with
scythers and chans.  i had a pretty hard time trying to win, since the kid
must have had got a good hand with lots of energy removals and supers. 
Anyways, it got tied up at one prize a piece.  he had energy on his pokemon,
and i had none on mine.  By then I knew I had lost.  But then i looked at his
draw pile.  He had two turns to kill one of my pokemon.  Thankfullly he did
not thanks for scythers free retreat.  Once again, i will point at that is
the reason scyther is better than farfetchd.  Well, i won the money, and went
home happy!!
Record 3-0

    Well, thanks for taking the time to read this killer deck report. 
Haymakers will never die, especially now with grimers, mucks, and new
magmars.  I know there are many haymaker decks, out there, but this one is
the best.  I have only lost once with it, to a Rain dance deck.  well, i hope
to write some more articles soon.  i am going to test out my fire and
colorless deck with dragonairs in there at another tourney soon.  Thanks!!!!

Please E-mail me about this deck if you have any questions on how to use this
deck, or any questions or comments