
The tournament was held at Trade Winds in Roswell,Ga 30041.
There was about 12 People there so I faced 3 of them.

The name of my Deck is called Aero-Mew.
The strategy is simple just try to get out Aerodactyl on the second
turn so you can stop them from evolving. This deck beats other
Haymakers because it has no Electabuzz,and it can beat Raindances
(Duh)Just like other AeroMew Decks.


2x DCE
11x Psy Energy
13x Fighting Energy


3x Mew(Raindance Killer)
2x Aerodactyl
1x Hitmonchan(Hitmonlee acts as another one)
1x Hitmonlee
2x Scyther
1x Mr. Mime(Just in case)
1x Ditto
1x Mewtwo(Raindance killer)
2x Lickitung(The only one that kill Mr.Mime in my deck)

1x Lass
2x Prof.Oak
3x Energy Removal
3x PlusPower
2x Pokemon Trader
2x Computer Search
1x Mr.Fuji(In case my bench is full and I need aerodactyl)
2x Recycle
2x Idem Finder
3x Mysterious Fossil

Game 1
Aero-Mew vs. Stupid Raindance
I draw Hitmonchan,Scyther,ER,3 Fight Energy and a Myt. Fossil.
I go first and start off with Chan and Scy on my bench.
He puts out Myt.Fossil I draw Licki,put him on my bench.
put a energy on Chan and Jab for the win.

Game 2
Aero-Mew vs. Char/Bulb/Squirt Deck
He sends out Bulbasaur and me Chan
I Jab he puts energy on him,and I jab for the win.

Game 2
Aero-Mew vs. Starters deck
I can't belive that he made it this far.
this game lasted 30 seconds.  I K.O his Machop with scyther.

I win the tourney.

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