Hey pojo. I created a deck some time ago and it has won first in
a grip
load of tourneys. Its a haymaker nicknamed "tick off" why because it
on energy removal and super. potion and super. The tourney was held at Dales
planet and comics, in Midland TX. On Feb. 23 It was a class "B" touney
meaning you could use Japs. that has not bin released in English. There was
exactly 40 people there. and 1st place was pokemon snap for the N64.
Here is my deck.
4 hitmonchans
3 mysterious fossils
2 aeros.
4 Team Rocket Zapdos(which has 70 hp. 2 retreat no weak. resit. to fighting
first attack one lightning 20 get lightning energy out of discard pile. 2
attack 3 lighting 1 coloreless 70 it does 10 for each lighing energy on
zapdos to zapdos.
4 energy removals
4 super energy rem.
4 potions
4 super potions
3 plus powers
10 lighning energy
10 fighting
1st round Tick off Vs. Paul (Psycic)
i won the flip. my starting hand was T R zapdos Mysterious fossil chan
energy removal super potion GOW and a lightning i put Zapdos active and
fossil and chan on bench he puts Promo Mewtwo active and mime on bench i
draw a energy and lay it down on zapdos(lightning) and GOW mime and do 20
it he lays an nergy on mew two and passes i draw a super energy removal
use energy removal on mew2 then i kill mime prize was potion he sends out
mew2 lays a energy on it and does his energy absorption i draw a light
energy and lay it on zapdoes then i super energy Removal his mewtwo then i
hit him for 20 and get my lighnting energy back ( i luv doin that) he does
energy absorption again and passes i draw another super Removal
I lay down
and fighting energy on zapdos and super energy removal him discarding a
lightning then i hit him for 20 and get my lighting back he draws and
and lays it down doin energy absorpution. i draw a lighning lay it down and
do 70 GAME!
Win 1 Loss 0
Round 2 me Vs. Raindance Yay!
I started with a zapdos chan 2 lightning 1 fighting and 2 super energy
he started with a lone squirtle and magicarp on bench i won the flip
i lay down zapdos and can on bench i lay down a lighting energy and do
twenty weakness 40 he is gone prize he sends out magicarp passes i draw an
lightnig energy and knock him out .
Win 2 loss 0
Round 3 me Vs. Haymaker
he won the flip i started it out with a zapdos chan lee and 4 energys 2
light and 1 fight he starts with a chan and chansy on bench he goes
and puts an energy on chan and does nothin because of zapdos resitance.(yah)
i draw an energy removal i use it then i hit him for 20 after i laid an
energy on zapdos . he puts an DCE on chansy and passes i draw a super
lay down a energy on zapdos and hit chan for 20 he puts a energy on chan and
passes i draw a super energy removal and lay down a fighting on zapdos hit
chan for 20 he has only 10 hp left
he draws and lays a DCE on chansy i snickered i draw a lighting lay it on
zapdos super energy removal his chansy that takes away both DCE Yeah!
kill chan he sends out chansy and adds a energy i draw a fighting
and lay
it down on chan then i hit him for 70 i do 30 to myself sinse i had 3
lightning energys on zapdos he draws a potion and uses it he has no energy
and passes i draw a fightning energy lay it on zapdos super potion and then
hit chansy for 70 i win
Win 3 loss 0
Semi- Me vs. colorless deck
I win the flip i started with a chan lee zap. and 3 fighting energys and a
super energy removal i put down chan active and lee an zap on bench
he has
only a kangaskhan i lay down a fightning energy and hit him for 40 weakness
he put downs a energy and fetches i lay down another energy and hits him
another 40 he lays a double colorless and fetches angain i lay another energy
and energy removal him to ticke him off hinch the name then i knock
him out
i win!!!
win 4 loss 0
finals me vs water and psycic
i win the flip and get a chan zapdos a lightnin and 4plus powers
he starts off with a seal active and abra on bench
i lay down a energy on zap.lay down 2 plus powers and knock out seal he
out abra lays a energy if he paralizies me he is alive another turn tails
losses the coin goes up flips flips rolls its heads ohh i draw a
lay it down on chan and pass he hits me for 10 flips tails yes i lay
a plus
power for 30 dead game
i win the tourney i got pokemon snap for the N64 its alright
If you have any tips for my deck or hate mail mail me at Snoop7389@aol.com
~Ray Mohamed