Hey Pojo,

my name's m. adams I recently participated at pokémon league, at toys-r-us,
in ft. worth, texas on february 26 2000.
my deck fire-fight did pretty good. here's the deck:

11 fire energy
13 fighting energy
1 double colorless energy

fire pokémon:

1xmagmar (2nd base set)
1xmagmar (fossil set)

fighting pokémon:



1xgust of wind
1xenergy retrieval
3xenergy removal
1xitem finder

the league:

1st match
me against kid w/ poison deck

i start out with a charmander, he starts out with a male nidoran, i place
energy on charmander, use scratch. he places double colorless on scyther on
his bench, retreats nidoran, brings out scyther, i use ember, kill scyther,
use ember again, nidoran dead, he's out of basics i win.

2nd match
me against kid w/ water deck

i start out with magmar, growlithe on my bench, he starts out with lapras,
he uses water gun, for 20. i have no energy, his turn. he evolves squirtle
on his bench into blastoise with pokémon breeder, uses pokémon power, places
4 energy on lapras, uses water gun, magamr dead, does the same thing to
growlithe i'm out of basics, he wins.

3rd match
me against kid w/ poison deck again

i start out with rhyhorn, he starts out with scyther, use learn it works.
evolve rhyhorn into rhydon, place double colorless on rhydon, use horn
attack, he uses swords dance, i use horn attack again he uses slash i'm
dead. i bring out a fully pumped charmealeon, with 6 fire enegy on him i use
flamethrowerhe's dead, it basically goes on like this for 5 more min. i win.

last match

me against kid w/ really bad grass fire deck

he starts out with vulpix, i start out with magmar, he has no energy, i
place energy use smokescreen. he still has no energy. place one more energy
on magmar, use smog, he places energy on vulpix, i use smog again hes dead,
he tries to bring out his arbok, but without putting ekans on 1st, he has no
basics, i claim victory.

if you have any suggestions or comments about my deck you can reach me at:


by the way my name's r. adams

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