This is a deck I played at a Hobbytown USA tournament, near Strongsville,
which is near Cleveland. It came in second of about 10 people. First-third
place was a booster, I got a 1st edition  Kabutops in my pack as a prize. 
First round was best 2 out of 3 and then on was one match per round.  If you
lose 2 rounds, you are out. Admission was 50 cents.

My Deck:
2 Ditto
2 Mr. Mime
2 Jynx
2 Gastly-Fossil
1 Haunter-Fossil
1 Lickitung
1 Farfetch'd
3 Hitmonchan
2 Machop
4 Magmar-Fossil
2 Ponyta
1 Rapidash
2 Jigglypuff
1 Wigglytuff
4 Energy Search
1 G.O.W.
2 Energy Removal
1 Computer Search
2 Mr. Fuji
9 Psychic
7 Fighting
8 Fire

1st Round vs. Rainbow deck
     Match 1
     Since the usual annoying kid, who shall remane unnamed, was not here, I
battled a boy with a rainbow deck, which everyone seemed to play. They stink,
especially because he had cards like Zapdos in a deck with 5 different types.
They never get the right energy and plus they run 1-1 or 2-1-1 on all their
evolutions.  I start with Mime, he starts with Zapdos-Fossil. He attaches a
D.C.E., Grass and Electric. Quick kill.
     Match 2
     Don't remember much, but I know it was my Machop versus a 50 HP Pokemon.
Three turns, no right energy for him, he is dead.
Round 2 against Adome playing Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise deck.
     His deck is a lot better then the previous, but his energy intensive
Pokemon like Golbat and Gyarados are bad for play.  Everyone thinks he is the
best.  Long battle. His Articuno kills a Farfetch'd and a Jynx, then
blizzards my bench. Mr. Mime eventually kills it.  Mr. Mime retreats and I
send out Rapidash. He evolves a Bulbasaur to Venusaur, then a Charmander to a
Charizard.  UH-OH.  Solarbeams, kills a Jynx and a Magmar, but Rapidash
retreats and I send out Magmar, poisoning and then killing it. Sends a
Charizard out, I zap it twice with energy Removal. Running out of cards, I
retreat Rapidash for free, send out MIME! Mime knocks Charizard down, but a
Super Potion and a Potion block the way for a win. The prizes: He needs 1
more, I need 3.  He burns and retreats Charizard, sending out a Gyarados and
Gusting for a Gastly. I retreat Gastly for free (him frustratingly grunting)
and kill Gyarados with Mime. After we both have 1 prize left,  he sends out
Charizard-oops- and I still have Mime. He switches to a Magikarp (?) and
tackles me. I retreat Mime, send out the nearly dead Rapidash, and Agility
for the win.

   Round 3 against John with Water/ Electric
   I have NO energy. I annoy him, shuffling Mr. Fuji's ability over and over
and over again. I get an Energy Search, search for a Fire, attach to Magmar
(Shuffling long, again) and Smokescreen, which buys me a couple turns, He
kills Magmar with a Zapdos and I get nothing but Pokemon.  Lapras kills me
some more and I only draw 1 prize.  He wins by prizes.   I ALWAYS LOSE TO
THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Round 4 against Brandon, playing Rainbow :(
   We know each other from school, but his rainbow deck kinda stinks.  I have
to mulligan once.  We are battling for a pack of FOSSIL.  He plays a Fossil
on bench and Hitmonlee active. Mime comes out, kills Hitmonlee on turn 3. 
Aerodactyl comes, energyless, and when he gets an energy, Removal creams it. 
I win, he doesn't draw a single prize (no basics)

   Thanks to Hobbytown for another awesome tournament. This is the first time
I remember girls being here. Anyone who comes close to losing to a girl,
makes stupid excuses, like "She said her Dragonair would use Slam, but it's
using Hyper Beam."  I won 2nd.  Thanks for reading this. If you have any
questions or comments, e-mail me at  Pojo post this! You