Game Empire
San Diego, California
Location = Hazard Center on December 19th,1999
 Tournies held every month (every 3rd sunday at 12:00PM Noon)
$5.00 Entry fee
Not Sanctioned
Swiss Style and about 10-12 people participated
My Deck: Fire Fighters
3 Hitmonchans
3 Fossil Magmars
2 Mr. Mimes
2 Doduos
2 Dodrios
1 Kangaskhan
1 Lickitunge
1 Clefairy
1 Clefable
3 Gust of Wind
4 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
1 Scoop Up
1 Mr. Fuji
1 Pokemon Trader
1 Computer Search
1 Gambler
1 Item Finder
1 Energy Retrieval
12 Fighting Energy
8 Fire Energy
4 Psychic Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
Total Cards: 60 Cards
This was my first touney and sorry if I sent this in sort of late cause it was in 12-19-99 and because of the holidays, I was busy. Here's the tourney report........
1. Kendrick (me) vs. Fire/Colorless (used half and half)
I started out with a Magmar and smokescreen to stall his Growlithe. He hits me with 40 on Magmar before I can retreat and bring out my Lickitunge and stall a little bit more to get better cards. I finally get out my Dodrio and retreat Lickitunge (Growlithe dead by now) then bring out my hitmonchan (fully pumped) and Special Punch Dragonair to death!!!! It's down to 3 and 2 (I got 2 and he has 3). I Gust out Dratini and and Special Punch it and it dies. Then he brings up a Farfetch'd and passes. I SP and do 10 damage. He leeks slaps me and does nothing. I retreated and brought out my Magmar and Smog and got HEADS and next turn he forgets to retreat and dies from POISON.
Record: 1 win 0 losses
2. Me vs. Moltres Stall Alakasam Deck
I played this guy before the tourney and loss. He started out with a Abra, a Kangaskhan, and a Chansey. I start out with a Hitmonchan and a few trainers and the rest energy. His active is Chansey so that gives me a chance of not dying early. I win the flip and Jab for 40. He evolves Abra to Kadabra and Passes. I play a Fighting energy and Jab. He charges up his Moltres and Plays switch and brings out a 3 fire energy Moltres and Passes. I get a Mr. Mime (yes!) and since I couldn't deal a lot to Moltres with Hitmonchan I retreated for the Mime and slapped down a Psychic Energy and pass (as you can see there is a lot of passing in this game). He evolves Kadabra to you know who and Damage Swaps and then scoops up Kangaskhan (grrr.....) and then Wildfires me. He discards a fighting energy, a energy removal, a kangaskhan, and a fire energy.
Not bad. Then this routine continues until i get my gusts to gust out his damage filled benched pokemon and kill them. The prizes were 1 and me 3 and it doesn't look good for me. He brings out a fully pumped Moltres and Dive Bombs. HEADS and that's it, I lose.
1 win 1 loss
3. Me vs. Raindance
I get a Hitmonchan and a Doduo. He gets a Lapras and a Squirtle. I go first and jab his Squirtle. He evolves and plays a water energy. I play a fighting energy and jab once more. Then he attaches another energy and evolves to BLASTOISE and raindances. He hits me with 50 and then after that I play a Mr. Mime that I got from the draw and stall. He gets pissed off and retreats to the lapras. and water guns me for 20. I retreat and bring out my Hitmonchan and Jab with 20 HP left. He water guns and kills my Hitmonchan. I bring up Doduo and then play a Dodrio and atack with Rage. He water guns me again and once again I use rage for the kill. Then the mme did the rest and killed Articuno and Blastoise and Gyarados and a Vaporeon and another one I forgot for the win. Pretty much Mr. Mime conquared the game.
2 wins 1 loss
4. Me vs. Grass/Fire
I start out with really crappy basics Mr. Mime, Clefairy, and a Doduo. I start off with Doduo. He starts with Scyther. He wins the flip and retreats for a Charmander and Scratches me. I retreat and bring out Mr. Mime to stall 3 turns. I get a energy retrieval and use it to get a fire and a fighting. By now I had already gotten a Dodrio out with only 10 HP left. I looked at his bench and saw that all his pokemon needed at least 2 energies to attack and didn't use the Computer Search which I should have used to get another basic cause Dodrio was the last one left. So I didn't use it cause I thought I was safe then he plays a Charmander and I gasp as he retreats his scyther and scratches me for the game. (Sigh) That was a very short game approximately 6 minutes!!!!! Man I should of Computer Searched!!!!!!!
2 Wins 2 loss
5. Me vs. Bad Psychic Deck
He gets a really BAD hand and I mean bad!!! He starts off witha Drowzee and a Slowpoke. LOL! I start off with Hitmonchan and a Magmar. I hab the drowzee and then he Pounds me then I play another fighting energy and jab and he's down to 10 HP. He plays another Psychic energy and hopes to Confuse Ray me but NOPE!!!! He got tails! and I jabbed away the Drowzee. He manages to get out a gastly and then to GENGAR! Weird! Forgot how he did that!?!?!?!?!?! Oh well. He curses me then I bring out my magmar and Smog him and Heads! I get to poison and no more power so he charges him up and passes. I smog again and he's dead. GAME!!! Fastest game = 5 minutes? = )
3 wins and 2 loss
6. Me vs. All colorless deck
Since this was swiss style I needed this win just to compete for third and I have seen the other people cards with more wins than what I have so I figured it out that this game was for 3rd by a good chance.
He starts out with a Pidgey and my Magmar takes care of that by smokescreen then smog. Then he brings up his Farfetch'd and leeks slap me to kill Magmar. I had to bring up my hitmonchan=-( as you can see the crying face that this isn't good and as soon as I draw my card everything turns around. It was a Doduo and I had a Dodrio in my hand. I played Doduo and and then SP for 10. He plays a energy and Pot Smashes me. I retreat my hitmonchan (thanks Dodrio for retreat aid) and bring out dodrio and play a fire energy and pass once again. He Pot Smashes me and I play a Double Colorless Energy  and Rage for the kill and the win but.........(prepare for a shocker!!!) I forgot to put down my prizes and LOST!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!! grrr........ I complained about the tourney organizer that he didn't tell me the rules before the tourney but he said that was TOUGH and that was FINAL!!!! SInce it woldn't have benefited him, I tried to talk him out of it so both of us wouldn't have loss our $5 but he said he'd only give me the win if I gave him a holo but I said no and he finally  agreed on having half of what i win but it was too late for that so I was out!!!!
3 wins 3 losses
The people who made it to the finals was a kid with Electabuzzes and Promo Mewtwos and The guy with Fire/Fighting made it to the finals to win $30 store credit and 2 nd $15 store credit and 3rd 2 fossil boosters.
I am coming back next month with a all new deck especially for the guy with promo Mewtwos and hopefully win at least 3rd!!!!! I am expecting Steven there too (A.K.A. on Gooey = DraGON804) and you'd better be there this time instead of missing the this one!!!!! I bought a fossil booster and got a non-holo Ditto and traded it for a Aerodactyle and also traded a 1st ed. non-holo Moltres for 2 - 1st ed. non-holo cards which were a Ditto and another aerodactyle (both were 1st edition). I also traded a Non-holo Vaporeon for a Electabuzz (boy! I regret that since now they stop printing those).
Kendrick Ton 
Gooey Name: Kendrick 
E-mail address:
Winkie is a favorite stuffed duck of mine that looks lke PSYDUCK and 26 is my lucky number!!!