Hey Pojo, I tried a Potpurri deck and it did quite well This time i went
to the toy'r'us Pokemon 'line' league the reason i call it that id that
half the time i was in line. it was in Covina, California on Januay 15

The deck:
3 Electrabuzz
3Mr. Mimes
3 Scythers
3 Hitmochans
1 mewoth
1 kangaskhan

8 psy energy
7 fightinh energy
6 lighting energy
3 DBC energies

2 prof oaks
3super energie removals
4 energy removals
2 energy retrival
2 scoop ups
3 bills
2 Item finders
1 comp. search
3 Plus power
3 GOW's

Game one: me Vs. my friend Jimmy
He's playing his Alakazam/Gengar/Mewtwo promo deck

I hate when this happens he only gets like arbas and gashtlys out and my
scyther kills him 20 points

Game 2 me vs. little kid who insits on beating me  40 points
He starts with poliwag and girl nidoran My Buzz kills him

Game 3: Charizard zapdos deck

He says he got the 2 best pokemon cause they do 100 damage [yeah right]
60 points
He starts with a zapdos and charmander me a hitmochan and mewoth i bench
mewoth and i jab with mochan at turn 6 he gets his '''best pokemon'''
out but Mr.mime his here and ko's them in a about 7 turns

I got a total of 90 points by playing games trading cards and just
showing up later pojo