Hi! Im Michael Farmer from Fort Worth Texas. I went to a tournament at Larrys
Comics&Cards.There Was a big turn out of about 25 people. This is my deck.
Pokemon 24
4x Squirtle
4x Wartortle(pretty good moves got to get blastoise though)
4x Blastoise (basically the star of my deck)
4xArticuno (really helps out alot!!)
4xMagikarp(got to get gyarados)
4xGyarados(enough said by the name!)
Trainers 10
3x Bill(to get to blastoise and gyarados)
3x SER(to prevent energies from opponent)
1xPro. Oak(same as bill)
1x Pok. Trader(same as bill and when i get a bad hand)
1x Enrgy Retrieval(to get dead energies back)
1x Switch (to get out better pokemon from bench)

Energies 25
water energies 22

    This is the tournament!! When i walked in i was scared!
But when i got to my match i calmed down.

Round 1 me vs little brat
The second i sat down he said man face it im going to tear you apart!!!.Then
i learned
he had a fire deck.I won the coin flip.We drew.I got Squirtle, 3water
energies, a magikarp and a Blastoise.he had a vulpix starting i put squirtle
to start
drew a card.Articuno. oh yeah vulpix got paralized!! he slaped an energy on
vulpix and he evolved into ninetailes!! i was happy a ninetails with 1 energy
i drew. Wortortle!!!!! YES HOW SWEET!!!! i quikly evilved squirtle into
and used pokemon power and then hydre pumped for 80. i drew a prize energy
removal.he was about to put a charmander out then drew he gave a brief smile.
he put out charmander then placed a poke breeder and evolved charizard! good!!
he said go.i drew a double colorless and placed it on blastoise and hydro
killed charizard. it basically went like that the whole gameafter that.
Record 1-0
Round 2   me vs kid with fighting deck.
I walked to the chair.The kid won the toss and drew his hand i won
because he had a mochop active and 4 more on his bench!!!
Record 2-0
Round 3
Record 3-0

Round 4. me vs grass deck.
    He started with bulbasaur  i had a squirtle wartortle blastoise and 4
when i had blastoise active because i won the toss again (how strange)
then he just quit what an idiot??!!
Record 4-0
Semi Finals
                      a guy with a clorless deck.

i lost  the toss but drew and got a magikarp gyarados and a SER and an
i put magikarp on the bench and started with Articuno him dratini.he put an
energy on dratini and pounded. i put an energy on magikarp and evolved it.i
drew a blastoise.he kept pounding until articuno was dead.i put out gyarados
and killed his newly evolved dragonair with bubblebeam heads and dragon
rage.hehehehe the next tur somehow he got decked because he had used 4 oaks.
Record 5-0
            kid with psychic deck.
me went first i drew squirtle wartortle blastoise 3 water energy and a
i put out blastoise and hydropumped and killed his abra and won.yes!!!!
that was a quick battle for the final round!!!i danced around and around and
was awarded my prize!! a charizard!!

If you have any suggestions to my deck please e-mail me at