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    Well, I guess it's time to start posting decks again.  This deck was
posted in a deck garage a long time ago, but here it is with tourney play. .

The Deck:

4 Hitmonchans (fast kill, can't be affected by ER's!!)
4 Electabuzzes (same as Chan, but can parlz!!)
2 Scythers (No room for 4, but still have the great Farfetch'd play)
2 Jigglypuffs (Mr. Mime killer!!!)
3 Fossil (Um. . . Next Pokémon!)
3 Aerodactyl (No evolution, baby!!!)

4 Bill (they're Bill for crying out loud!)
4 ER (Pretty effective if you can pound'm with all at once!)
3 Mr. Fuji (I thank Pokemon Lady for telling me to put these in)
3 Oaks (Same as Bill)
3 SER (more effective than ER!!!)

12 Fighting Energy
11 Elecric Energy
2 Double Colorless

Here's the Report:

I played at Borders Pokémon League in Tulsa, OK on 1/20/00.

Round One:

This kid had a fire/fighting Haymaker.  The problem - he used Machops instead
of Hitmonchan.  I sent out Scyther, he had a Magmar (Base) with no energy.  I
drew a Hitmonchan and retreated Scyther.  I put a energy on 'Chan, and laid
down 20 until Magmar fainted (he still had no energy).  He only had one more
Pokémon on his bench, Machop, and I easily made it for the kill.

Record: 1-0

Round Two:

Simple.  Just matched up weaknesses and - Boom Badda Bang - a win!

Record: 2-0

Last Round:

Psychic/Fighting Mr. Mimer

I almost lost this if it wasn't for Aerodactyl. . . He had a Abra out.  I
evolved Aerodactyl and stopped him from evolving.  He then sent out what? A
Mew!! Aaah!!  He devolved Aerodactyl to Fossil, but I sent out 'Chan and
kicked his butt.

Record: 3-0

I didn't really win anything (being a Pokémon League), but I got about 3 Mews
and some badge.  Well, that's all for this Pokébird.  I'm outta here.          
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                    Questions? Comments?Contact me at:TalonHawk2@aol.com