Pokémon League
Lousville, Kentucky

Hello, Pojoholics, it's James with another Killer Deck Report! Today at the
Pokemon League I used my Sponge deck. About 30 people were there. The League
allowed Crapanese cards. Here's The deck:

Pokémon: 10
4 Electabuzz(Tons of people at my league play Raindance)
3 MP Mewtwo(Takes out 'Chan,Ditto, 'Kazam, and almost everything else.)
3 Scyther(Always good)
Trainers: 33
4 Oak
4 Plus Power(First turn wins are nice)
3 Bill
3 Computer Search
3 Lass
3 Scoop Up
3 Gust of Wind
3 Energy Retrieval
3 ER
2 Item Finder
Energy: 17
7 Electric Energy
7 Psychic Energy

Not very original, I know. But it wins games. The strategy is 2nd turn
Thunderpunch, Psyburn, or Slash. Dump all of your Plus Powers, ERs, SERs,
then Lass. Try to win as fast as you can because you will deck if you dont.
Now, onto the matches:

1st match: Me vs. Some Guy with Raindance w/ splashed Scyther
When he was choosing which of his decks to use, he said, "Hmm, should I beat
you badly, or just beat you?" So, I knew he was going to be crappy. I started
with a mew2 to his Scyther. i never drew a Psy energy. so i built up a
bencehed 'Buzz and scooped up Mew2 after it was slashed twice. Then i
T-punched twice for the win.
He wanted to play again, so i thundershocked his squirtle with 2 PPs.

Next: 6 Man tag
Me- Jake - and Marcus(i think) vs
3 Cheaters that didnt tell me their names
My buzz got beat by some guys Hitmonchan. I kept my other buzzes in my hand.
everyone on my team after that had scyther and nothing but scythers. we
whooped his chan. His teammates both had Sabrina decks w/ TR Mewtwo.They were
beating us for a while and got tons of prizes until Jake gusted out one guys
Sabrinas Alakazam and slashed it with a plus power then i did the same. Then
one guy brought out a Togechikku and super metronomed his benched Chanseys
double edge to my scyther for the win.

Next game: Me vs Marcus(i think) with Mono-grass Energy trans
He had one of those Pikachu coins that is heads 99.9% of the time and
paralyzed my Mewtwo with a venonat so much its not even funny. I finally
burned it for the KO but he had a nice bench by then. Then there was a
standstill where we each scooped up, retreated or whatever to survive and we
each oaked 4 times in 4 turns. He got a Venusaur out but couldnt get 3 prizes
in 2 turns. He was decked.

Last game: Me vs. Newbie with Really Crappy Raindance
My buzz ripped through 2 squirtle, 2 poliwag, and those were her only basics.

And now, Props and Slops:
Props to:
Jake's Dad for taking us to Books-a-Million
Me for being kewl
Scott for being kewler
You for reading this far
Slops to:
Jake's Dad for making us leave early
[Editor's Note: Never slop your friend's parents either. You should feel lucky that you even got a ride! Did you see that other kid I blasted who had to walk (*gasp*) to his tournament?? If you don't want to leave early, I suggest you hike your way there.]
People who cheat

James Kimbell