Minneapolis MN
july 1
aproximately 60 ppl
4 rd single
Mewtwos Power
Blast Deck Psi/Electric/Grass/Colorless
1x promo mewtwo
2x mr. mime
2x gastly}
2x haunter}
2x rocket abra
1x base kadabra
1x rocket kadabra
1x base alakazam
1x rocket
2x scyther
2x electabuzz
1x chansey
1x kangaskhan
2x lickitung
3x ER
2x SER
2x scoop ups
2x here comes
team rocket
3x bills
1x pro. oak
1x imp. oaks
3x computer
2x energy search
2x DCE
1x potion energy
1x rainbow energy
6x thunder energy
10x psi energy
round 1
Ok this was the
thinner round. With so many ppl there they needed this. it was me vs one of
those rich little brats who play just to brag about their collection. I got a
bad hand with only a scyther and 6 energy. heres the sad part. this kid
is just pathetic he puts down a sandshrew. i put down scyther and went second.
his oaked four times, billed 3 and and item found 2 oaks. i gave him a
funny look and next turn boom he's decked. he didn't know about the decking
thing and whined to the judge for 20 minutes before he gave up.~.~
round 2 (playing)
another thinner
round. this guy looked like he knew what he was doing. he played a
raindance deck and put down a seel, magikarp, and a rocket squirtle. i drew 2
buzz, 4 electric energy, and an ER. ^_^ i blew away his karp and
squirtle while drawing abra & kad. (rocket) and prizing base alakazam and
chansey. He saw it was over and gave up~.~
round 3
in this round it
was odd we played two people and then if you had two wins you went on.
it was 3 prizes a match
guy 1
this guy played a
mewtwo barrier deck. very annoying 2 mewtwos, 58 psi energy. YAWN. after
mulliganing like 30 times i had a full bench and all 3 ER. i went first
with abra. psyshock 1nce, 2wice, 3rd for the win. he tried to
energize but ER kept him at bay.
guy 2
this guy played a
haymaker. I pulled 1 scyther, abra, DCE, 2 psi energy, comp search, and ER. he
put down hitmonchan, buzz and a scyther. send out scyther, bench abra, go
first. draw a electric energy.put down psi on scyther. he puts down DCE
scyther, ers psi and is done. i draw a chansey, lay the psi, er the DCE
and done. he puts down lectric on buzz and done. (chan is out). I draw a
alakazam (base)put DCE on scyther and slash hitmo. he puts down a nother
chan and is done.draw kadabra. i proceed to knock out chan and buzz and the
other chan with scyther ~.~
it was down to 2
ppl. me and him. he played a mewto barrier deck. i hurl thinking about
how many of those were there. it went off well for him and it took me awhile
to get a life saver...SER i had dark alakazam outfully charged and beat
mewtwo for the win.
i won 5 rocket
and 2 neo boosters. then we all went home and i was very happy........