Hi. Pojo,
 my name is ERIC I love your site. It is indeed the best , I love it. This is an experimental deck that I- thought about last night and I thought I might give it a try.
My friends Fabio and Tuti thought of this one and I gave it a try. Its pretty cool Try it.
4-Venusaurs (basic)
4-Muk(Team Rocket)
4-oddish (TR)
3-dark glooms
3-Dark Vileplume (I love this guys poke power no trainers at all)
No Trainers are used in this deck because of Vileplumes PokePower
30 Grass Energies
I played at Toys 'R Us in a tourney.well here is how it went.There were 7 people there today.
1st match- Me Vs. Maury (haymaker)
 I had a sweet hand I got a muk,a grimer a gloom and an oddish with three energies.
he had an Electabuzz out and a Hitmonchan on bench. I went first. I drew a Vileplume(yessss)
I brought up grimer and put an energy down for paralysis--fails(dang). he put an Energy on the Buzz and tried to paralyse which works. I drew an Ivesour. And evloved both gloom and Muk( no paralisis). I energied Muk and punched for thirty. he removed an energy on me and put an energy on buzz he flipped which failed and did thirty to me and ten to him. he now has fifty on him because of poiso and I evolve gloom (no trainers allowed).i punched for the kill and he braought up a hitmonchan-no bench on him. he puts an energy down and jabs. I grab a venasour from me prizes and a bulba for a card( how sweet!). I put down a bulba in my bench and Punch him for thirty I also put an enrgy on Bulba. He jabs for my death and he is still poisoned. I evolve and atach an Energy I drew. pass. he now has fifty on him still no bench and puts a enery down he Jabs for 20. I draw a Vileplume and pass for his death.
2nd Match (for Semis)
Play against a free retreat cost deck
I get a Grimer, gloom and a muk plus 4 grass. he flips and wins the flip. he has no bench. He plays a digglit and attaches an enery for ten. I draw a Bulba and put him in my bench I attach an energy for twenty which paralyses. he stil has no bench and removes. Hahaha! he attaches another energy and is still paralysed.
Draw. hit. end of Match. 

3rd Match -Final -vs Raindance(girl)
 I draw an oddish, 2 grimer and a venusaur plus 3 grass. I win the flip. i draw and do 10. He draw .(oh wait he forgot his prizes and i win) Hiphip Horay.
 I won two TR packs and in them i found a rainbow energy and a holo dragonite sssswwwweeeeeetttt!!
I love this deck it is awasome try it.
Thanx pojo for posting this.
I like to say hi to Fabio, Tuti, George, maury, alexandro, Alfred, Chris, JUAN and all the little people i  stepped on to get here.
Eric & Fabio
Fabio4Ever@msn.com contact for questions and comments