Hey Pojomanics,
    Name-  Russ K.
    The location- Pokemon League June 10, Pensacola FL
    What deck is composed of- see below
    Deck name- Spongsecola (Pensacola (FL) area meta game and Sponge, heheh.......not funny......so I am not your original name maker, sue me?!)
    After being fed up with my usual ToxicMuk deck, I tried to put together a Sponge Variant with quite a bit of Metagaming, from the usual pesky decks; Raindance, Wiggly maker, VileDactyle (For you that don't know, its a deck with TR Vileplume combined with Aerodactyle, not a good strategy with evolutions you say? well, it kicks any evolution deck and Haymaker or trainer heavy deck's as..........sparogous)  and so forth.  Also, this is my first Killer deck report, so excuse me if i mess up.  Well, here's the deck.
4 Electabuzz
3 Promo Mewtwo (before I got there I only had one.  I was hard pressed to get 2 in one day, dang, it took half of the time)
2 Scyther
1 ditto
2 Aerodactyle (METAGAME!!!)
3 Fossil
4 Bills
3 Oaks
3 Computer Searches
3 Plus Powers
3 SER's
2 TR Sneak Attack
2 Scoop Ups
2 Fugi's
2 GOW's
1 Lass (emergency use only)
1 Gambler
7 Electric
8 Psy
1 Full heal Energy
(OK I know energy is a bit low, but it works :-)
    OK, I have to tell you this because it screwed me over so bad, and it was before I even got to League.  OK, normally I just take my deck and my binder for trading, right.  Well today I decided to take my extra Trainers and Energy incase I needed to make any l;last minute changes.  Well, I put my deck (with sleeves) in the box of cards (W/out sleeves).  When I took them out, well, I left about 8 cards, including an SER, a fossil, 1 TR sneak attack, and a lass!!! slops to that!
    OK, on with the report.  Before I got to league, and battle, I needed to finish the deck, I had 2 Mimes in place of 2 MP Mew two's so I needed mew2's bad.  I was very desperate and first traded a Holo-Zapdos, Imposter Oak, and Maintenance (? don't ask me) for 1 MP Mewtwo, dang was I desperate.  next, I traded a holo-scratched up Gyrados for a MP Mewtwo, ok rip off but she wanted it and then stepped on all her cards saying ha ha they are just paper(??? ok, glad I am not her parents)  So I have all the cards I need.
    Battle Number 1
    Spongsecola (hehe) against 15 year old girl playing Fire/colorless.
    OK, first i draw a scyther, Buzz, and Fossil, rest energy.  She shuffled so that she always drew a holo first turn (don't really care, she had 1 Charizard (can we say C  H  A  R  T  E  R?)  1 Kanguskhan, and 1 Dragonite)  she sends out Growlith against my Buzz  and put all else on bench(not scyther because I knew she had Fire.).  I go, attach lightning energy, comp search for and Aero, and no paralyze. Then she lays a evee and khansguskhan (eek spelling) down and a Growlith with 1 F energy, my turn.  I evolve aero from fossil, play Psy energy and plus power hoping for a heads...tails (dang) with thunder punch.  she goes playes another F and flare for 20.  I go, and kill Growlith.  She sends out Khang and  fetches.  My turn I play dce on aero, and thunder punch w/ tails.  she goes attaches DCE to Khan and fetches.  My turn I play psy on aero, retreat buzz and wing attack for kill, but  wait.....she plays with no weakness or resistance???...the hellllllo?  I say, the *____ (*clue starts with an F) ya doing? and she says it ruins the game, I say it IS the game, and the game is strategy, not who has the most valuable cards in each deck?  I say fine and do 30 to khan.  Her turn she evolves evee into Flareon, (no argument because I didn't feel like getting kicked out of league for attempted murder, darn)  and fetches, my turn I kill khan and play electric on buss.  she prompted flareon (last Pokemon) and passed, w/ 1 F energy on.  I wing attack with aero she's down to 40 HP.  Oak for a Plus Power and play it, and thunder punch+plus power+Flareon  = DOG MEAT  Game
Record 1,0
Game 2/3
   Spongsecola VS. kid cheating with Gay mother (see above)......ing 1 Chansey deck(?????)
    OK before we play basics, he says "I always get this hand to start with!" See below for details.....I play a promo Mewtwo versus his Chansey (hmmm)  and benched gastly (base??!! ok dumb kid) I win toss. My turn I attach a Psy and oak away 2 electric. I absorb both.  His turn he attaches a DCE (OK usual strategy, DCE=Scrunch)  and evolves into Fossil haunter (broke rules but hey, he's 6, ok not so dumb kid)  Next turn, I comp search for a psy, play it and burn for 10, next turn he attaches DCE (oh............................fudge)  and double edges.  OK a loss, wow.  So afterwards I ask him wow many DCE were in his deck, he said 3.  I says 3? how did ya get 2 in opening hand, he shrugs shoulders! wow, rather interesting??  Then he says he has 3 Chansey, but...So I challenge him again.
    My buzz versus.......CHANSEY (no bench).  how unusual?  He goes first attaches a DCE, has this happened before?  I get 2 GOW's (oh great) and all electric.  attach electric and shock, no paralyze.  Next turn he........attaches............DCE....wow? again, don't think so? the bit..c.......itty bitty kid, must go to sit in the dunce corner. Not when I asked the Gym leader he checked the deck and said it was fine, oh well?  but guess what? all but his 1 Chansey had a card holder on, just coincidence I guess. no problem at all
        PS-later that day he went on to win 8 more games with 2 DCE and 1 Chansey. funny aint it?
Record 1-2 (yadi yadi yadi)
Game 4 versus hyperactive psychotic 4 year old.
     OK he plays a psy water, but with not Golduck or psy duck (a typical 4 year old)
    I play scyther and Buzz, w/ buzz active; give him a fighting chance.  He plays a staru and attaches a W energy, and illegal the 4 YEAR OLD evolves into Starmie and passes.  After that Starmie sits there after GOW's and SER's and finally he dies and so does his whole deck.
Well, over all I did pretty well over all, except for double-edging double DCEs crap.  My record was 2-2
Props and Slops
Props to Scott for an Awesome deck strategy
Props to my meta gaming, although it didn't do anything
Slops to Chansey deck people that cheat like all ghetto
Slops to Gym leaders for making bad choices
mail me at jwkohler@bellsouth.net