Deck Name: Fireball of Raging Agility
Player's Name: Neo Cyborg
Place: Pokemon League at KB Toy Works Ossining, NY
Date + Time: 3:00 - 5:00 Saturday June 10, 2000
People Particapated: 10
Today there was very few people there. For the
last 3 weeks the Gym hasn't been there? My Deck wasn't
complete until today because a kid was bringing in 4
uncommons I needed. My deck did well out of the 7
matches, read to find out how well. No for the deck.
The Deck:
4 - Rocket Charmander (Beter than Base)
3 - Evil Charmeleon (Good 70 Damage Attack)
2 - Dark Charizard (Continouse Firball, enough said)
4 - Growlithe (To get Prom RK9)
3 - Promo Arcanine (Flames Rage, 100 Damge for 2 NRG)
4 - Ponyta Rocket or Base (To get Jungle Rapidash)
3 - Jungle Rapidash (Agility, stalling)
2 - Fossil Magmar (Staller and a good stater)
4 - Professor Oak (Need a Reason?)
4 - Bill (See Above)
2 - Nightly Garbage Run (To get cards back)
2 - The Boss's Way (To get the Charmeleon or
23 - Fire Energy (I'll use Agility, Where is your
energy kid? umm...)
The Deck/Strategy:
The Strategy behind this deck is satrt with
Magmar, then to get out Dark Charizard, Rapidash, or
Arcanine to do lethal damge, Charizard heavy hitter,
Rapidash staller, Arcanine heavy hitter
The Battles:
Round 1 vs. Kid with Rainbow deck
I got a Fossil Magmar and all energies, won the
flip. I did smoke screen for 20 against his only
pokemon, a Bulbasaur. He attached an energy said go,
Then I smoke screened for the win.
W:1 L:0
Round 2 vs. Kid with Rainbow deck (same kid)
Same thing as above but with a Nidoran(M) and I
one turn. I won flip. Got a Charmander and F Magmar
with evolution and trainers and F energy in Flame
Tailed for the win.
W:2 L:0
Round 3 vs. Steven with Pyschic Deck
I got a 2 Charmander and a Growlithe to start. I
lost the flip. He went first with a active F Gastly
and an Rocket Abra and Drowze. Attached Energy fliped
heads for lick. Attached F energy on active Chamander
said go. Lick again for no paralysis. Drew Promo RK9
Atached Energy to Growlithe and Evolved. Flame Tail.
Lick no Paralysis. atached enegy to other charmander
gathered fir from RK9 and evolved to my newly drewn
Charmeleon. Flame Tail. Lick again I brought out
charmeleon atached energy and evolved to the
Charizarcd I just got from my Boss's Way. Nail Flick
Sent Out Abra with two energies evovled to base
attached energy did 50 to Charizard. I fliped two
heads for the kill. Brought out Dark kadabra killed
Charizard. We went on killing each others pokemon One
prize left for each and I won with RK9's Flames of
rage, 100 Damage.
W:3 L:0
Round 4 vs. Same Guy with Fighting deck
Started with Ponyta and Char on bench. Won flip.
Got Powered Rapidash Turn two Killed Four guys with
agility then Rapidash died and I finished with Dark
W: 4 L: 0
Round 5 vs. Steven's Sister with his Fire deck
Got a Charmander and other stuff. I won the flip.
My Char vs. his Rattata. Did flame tail 1st and 2nd
turn for win!
W:5 L:0
Round 6 vs. Same Person and Deck from above
A lot of small benches. I won the flip. My Ponyta
vs his Rattata turn did fire tail for win. Yeah!
W:6 L:0
Round 7 vs. Staven with Water Deck
I Got a Prome RK9 and Growlithe in Hand. He
started with Lone Seel vs. my Growlithe. I lost flip
flip. Atached energy. Said go. He Said Go I evolved
and atached energy to use Flames of Rage to do 80
Damge. I win!
W: 7 L:0
Props to the kid who I got the cards from today
" to me for winning
" to Steve for being a good sport and player
" to me for have o slops!
Have help or suggestions if so email me at: