This tournament was held at Books-a-Million at the Concord Mills mall, in
Concord, NC on 6/10/00.

Poison Vapor Fury

Energy (24):
21 Grass Energy

Pokemon (18):
3 Scyther
4 Rattata
3 Zubat (TR)
2 Golbat
4 Ekans (TR)
2 Dark Arbok

Trainers (19):
4 Computer Search
4 Nightly Garbage Run (NGR)
4 Bill
3 Rocket Sneak Attack (RSA)
4 Prof. Oak

The main strategy of my deck is to get out Arbok as fast as possible to beat
up the Defending Pokemon while also attacking the opponent's bench.

It wasn't really a tournament, but I did get four games in. It was my first
Pokemon League event and I got a CD Promo Pikachu and a Promo Mew.

Game 1:
Me vs. kid (I forget his name) with Water/Electric deck

All right, this will be semi-accurate.
I start off with Ekans, Arbok, Rattata, a couple Grass Energies, and a NGR.
Awesome hand. :) I put down Rattata first and he gets out a Jungle Eevee with
Staryu and Promo Pikachu on his bench. I get first move, put down G and Bite
with Rattata. He puts down E Energy and tries to do Tail Wag, but it failed.
I bite again, putting a grass energy on Ekans this time. He places another E
Energy on Eevee, squirts it with two potions (to fully re-heal it) and does
quick attack. It says as follows: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10
damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, this attack does 10 damage.
So anyway, he flipped tails and put one damage counter on Rattata. On my
turn, I put another G Energy on Ekans (which was on the bench) and evolve it
into Dark Arbok. I then proceed to again Bite. On his turn he places an E
Energy on his benched Pikachu and Tail Wags again, and again the coin lands
on tails.
In case you can't keep up, up to this point Rattata has 10 HP, and Eevee has
30. Everyone else (Staryu, Promo Pikachu, and Dark Arbok) has all their Hit
OK, so it's my turn. I lay down my third Energy on Dark Arbok, and Bite for
the last time. His turn, he puts down his second E Energy on Pika and
performs a quick attack. Doesn't even bother flipping a coin. That's OK, I
put out Arbok with GGG and Poison Vapor to knock out Eevee. He puts out Promo
Pikachu. On his turn, he puts down one more E Energy and Thunderbolts me,
discarding all his Energy (3) and doing 50 damage to Dark Arbok. I managed to
defeat Pika using Poison Vapor before he got enough Energy to do Thunderbolt
again. After that it was just two Staryus and a Squirtle away from victory.  
Record: 1-0

Game 2:
Me vs. Jared with a Psychic/Fighting deck
Before this match Jared asked what type my deck was, and I refused to tell
him. He said he just wanted to know so he could choose which one of his decks
to use, but since I wouldn't tell him, he'd just use his best deck (which
would have been his choice anyway).
I got off to a so-so start, with Scyther as my only Pokemon, but a DCE in my
He had a Base Set Gastly as his Pokemon, and Hitmonchan, Jynx, and Promo
Mewtwo on his bench.
Somehow I got ten damage on his Gastly with Arbok as my Active, which he
retreated and sent out Hitmonchan. At this point he had a Base Set Mewtwo on
his bench as well. From here, I got damage in with Arbok, then he knocked it
out. Then I would NGR it back into my deck. This went on for a long time.
*********Later in the game. . .***********
He has Hitmonchan, Gastly (with 20 HP left), Mewtwo (also 10 left), and Movie
Mewtwo (20 HP left). We each have only three prizes left to draw. I remember
about three turns ago when I went crazy on Bills and Oaks. Now (I look at my
deck) I have only nine cards left in my deck. My Arbok has only two damage
counters, and it's his turn. He puts down Tauros on his bench, and attacks me
with his active. I use Poison Vapor, knocking out his benched Mewtwo. On his
turn, he retreats, putting out Tauros (which now has two energies on it) and
Stomps, which reads as follows:
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. If
tails, this attack does 20 damage. He flips the coin and gets tails (good
thing :P). My turn. I draw a card and realize there's only eight more cards
left in my deck. My heart pounds as I look closely at the play area and
realize I have just won the game. I do Poison vapor, talking it out as I go
along. ". . .All right, so Tauros has 50, Hitmonchan has 20 now, Gastly has
no more HP, knocking it out . . ." I go down the line, stopping at Movie
Mewtwo, the one on the very end. ". . .And Mewtwo has no more HP, It's
Knocked Out, and I draw my last prize!!!! I win!!!!" He congratulates me, we
thank each other for a good game, and I walk away feeling proud.
Record: 2-0

Game 3:
Me vs. Danny with a ? deck

This one was the quickest match, and the worst. I start with a Rattata, a ton
of Grass Energies and a NGR. He starts with TR Eevee as his Active, and one
other Pokemon on his Bench. I have a Rattata up front and that's all. He
takes the first move and Tackles me for ten damge. I then proceed to bite
him. He put down another energy for sand-attack which reads as follows: Sand-A
ttack       10 If your opponent tries to attack you next turn, he or she
flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing. My turn. I try to bite. I
flip a coin and it lands on. . .Tails!!!! He attacks with Tackle on his turn
for the Knock Out and the win.
Record: 2-1

Game 4:
Me vs. ? with Grass/Psychic

I don't remember anything from this game; all I do remember is that Arbok
pulled through for me again, and that I won the match. Oh, well.
Record: 3-1

I had an awesome time and I can't wait till next week. But now for Props and
Props to my best friend Jamie for letting me borrow his Dark Arbok
Props to Jamie (again) for finally getting a Clefairy (he traded for it)
Props to my brother for letting me borrow his DCE
Props to Jared for an excellent game
Props to the subsitute gym leader who accidentally gave us CD Pikachu and
Promo Mew when we were only supposed to get Pika

Slops to no one, because nobody deserves them!

Thanks to all, and you can send all comments, complaints, praises, putdowns,
ideas, deck help, and hate-mail to (type it up in the Send
To: box).