Hey POJO and all who cared enough to read my report about a month ago exactly on May 13 I entered a tournament with a free entry fee at the St. Petersburg pier in Florida. Yah, I know it wasn't a comic store or anything but, hey it was free and they had prizes! There were 32 participants in this torney. It was single elimination. We started off the tournament in an odd way.  We selected our first round opponent!? So anyways heres my deck report.
                                        When I first got there I was suppose to make a trade or two battle once and leave so we could go to the John F. Kennedy exibit at the International St. Petersburg museum. I really didn't want to go so I asked to stay and they said they would pick me up on the way back up from the museum!  It started up with the kids suppose to be trading but, most of us were doing practice rounds in the practice rounds I went 4-1 but your not here for those matches so heres my deck and then my deck report.
Shocking experience
1x Zapdos
4x Pikachu(1 movie,3 jungle)
4x Raichu(2 base set,fossil) 
4x Electabuzz(base set)
3x Dratini(base set)
2x Dragonair(1 rocket,1 base set) 
1x Dragonite(fossil) 
1x Ditto(fossil)
1x Pokémon breeder
3x Potion
2x Super Energy Removal
4x Energy Removal
3x Bill
1x Potion Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
25x Lightning Energy
round 1 vs. some kid w/ grass deck
this kid came up and challenged me for round 1 looking for an easy win I smirked and snickered he didn't know what he was up against(i've been playing since January 1999)The match started off Bulbasaur vs. jungle Pikachu. I go first attach energy and pass he attaches an energy and passes. I draw attach and spark no other basics on his bench.  He cusses because He didn't get an energy or basic I don't know but, he got sparked and that was game. After the match he cusses some more now realizing it's single elimination. He asked if I wanted to play again! Oh yeah like I'm going to lose my second round spot.
round 2 vs. some man who goes to my Pokémon league and is good who only his helping his daughter clear the competition so she can in (her mom played also)
This guy must of put too many Charmanders in his deck because his bench was 3 of them while mine was 2 good ol' Buzz's well you know how this match went It took only one Buzz to finish off those weak lizards.
After this match the gym leader told  the man adults weren't allowed to play in the tournament so the kid that was watching this match was celebrating that he was back in the tourney.
round 3(actually it should be 2)vs. kid w/ modified brushfire deck that was bragging when the gym leader was going over the rules he was gonna beat everyone.Well, you know how this match is gonna go.
He started off with Nidoran male and I got Buzz he won the flip but horn hazard failed. I use thunder shock he's paralyzed.So, he attaches DBC energy and evolves I attach energy to Buzz and get thunderpunch with heads. He uses potion attaches an energy and horn drills. I attach an energy to Pikachu and thunder punch.He brings out Nidoran male to stall while he powers up Tangalea which he soon enough does which I do the same with Raichu so from here on the match goes with everyone dying to thunder.
round 3 or 4 whatever you wanna call It! against kid with grimer/muk poison deck.
I basically knocked them all out with Electabuzz and Dragonite and thats because his only basics were 3 grimers.
round 4 or 5 once again it's your call against kid with psychic-fighting deck?!(thats an odd combo)
This kid had to leave early into the match and i could tell he was cheating because I faced him in the practice time and he would draw extra cards while I was looking at my hand he thought I didn't see him but, since I didn't want him to feel like an idiot I didn't say anything.Anyways since he had to leave early and i beat him in the practice round they declared me the winner.
Now for the props and slops
the free entry fee
my mom for driving me there
my grandmother for letting me go(shes the coolest granny in the world)
the corny prizes(a playmat and coloring book)
the older kid that butted in to his little brother's trade and cheated me of getting an american holo Dark Charizard
thanks for reading my deck report and POJO thanks alot for posting it.
If you have any comments or tips for me on my deck please E-mail me at ssj4babivegeta@hotmail.com