Pojo, my name is Ross and I went to a tournament last
Saturday at my
local hobby store Underground Games that is DCI
sanctioned and did really
well but did not make the finals because of a stupid
computer. Well heres the deck it is very efficient and
can beat anyone
It's all colorless


3~proffesor Oak
3~Item Finder
1~Sneak Attack (this card rocks but I only have one.
It has so much more control than Lass)
3~Comp. Search
2~Nightley Garbage Run

11 Grass energy
4 Double colorless energy
2 Full heal energy (at first I thought potion nrg was
better but this card rocks w/Wiggly against electabuzz
and Ditto
1 potion energy

Round 1 vs.? w/fire deck

This was a long match but I was in control the whole
time.I got a turn two Wiggly and absolutely wrecked
him. I only needed to draw one more prize to win but I
could not find any energy after he killed my Wiggly
and I finally got a Ditto pumped up and killed his
Arkanine with it. He took one prize.

Round 2 vs. Hassan
This guy is straight up good. If anyone was going to
beat me it would be him.He runs a pretty good Mewtwo
and Electabuzz deck with lots of removal.I got a turn
two Wiggly and gained the early advantage. Then he
killed my Wiggly with Chansey and I got another wiggly
but with only one energy so I kept putting his
Electabuzz to sleep and whenever I would attach an
energy he would remove it so I finally got a Lass and
there went his removals and I attached some energy and
drew my last prize. That was a great game my heart was
pounding like crazy.

Round 3 vs.  Dustin w/deck similar to the last guys

This game sucked I had a mulligan  4 times in a row. I
finally drew a Jiggly and evolved it on turn two but
had no other basics and no energy. He killed me with 
Chansey's double edge.

This is the gay part. There were three of us at 2-1 so
the computer randomly chose two people to advance and
I was not one of them.

Now the fun part
Props and Slops

To my best friend Chris
To my deck for being awesome
To Underground Games for the tournament

To Dustin for getting the Pikachu party video
To the gay computer that doesn't like me

e-mail golfboy86@yahoo.com