Subj:   My New Deck For
Date:   5/28/00 11:16:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:   De7hScYtHe

Hey POJO!!!
 I went to a Pokemon League at Toys "R" Us in Daly City, CA on June 21, 2000.
MY deck is an all fire deck and I call it "Playing With FIRE Deck" or
"RAINDANCE KiLLER!" I used it against my raindance deck my friend was using
and it beat it many times. Well here's my Deck!

Playing With Fire:

Energies: 23 fire

Rocket Charmander x 4
Dark Charmeleon x 3
Dark Charizard x 2

Rocket Eevee x 4
Dark Flareon x 3

Goop Gas Attack x 3
The Boss's Way x 2
Challenge! x 2
Plus Power x 4
Super Energy Removal x 3
Rocket's Sneak Attack x 4
Professor Oak x 3

The theme of my deck is to use super energy removal then use goop gas attack
to stop randance decks pokemon power. When i buy my time with goop gas I
charge up my Dark Charizard and use continuous fireball to knock out
Blastoise, Venusaur, Gyrados, etc.  Well on to the report!

Match 1: Me vs Brian(Gymleader) with Raindance
This match wasn't that hard. When he got out a Blastoise i used my strategy
then sent out my fully powered Dark Charizard with 8 energies! He then

Match 2: Me vs Brian again with my Raindance
This match was the same. This time he gout out a Kangaskhan on bech and a
Base Blastoise on bench and a Dark Blastoise active on 2nd turn. He oaked a
lot but couldn't get to put on any energies because of my GOOP GAS! He di
just the same and forfited again!

Match 3: Me vs again BRIAN! Still with my Raindance
It was the same so i wont say anything else.

I went trading and EVERYONE wanted my Nintendo Power Mewtwo and Promo
Jigglypuff! I didn't want to trade them so i went back to battling.

Match 4: Me vs some weired kid with unknown deck.
This was easy. i just took out Bulbasaur with  my Rocket Charmander. He just
wanted to get points so he could get Computer Error and Holo Mew which i
already have 5 of because Brian gave them to me.

I went back to trading when i saw my friend Mark and i traded him Marril and E
lectakid for a PICHU! Which i traded for a base 2 Blastoise and a Holo Hypno

Then i found this kid with 6 base Charizard and traded him for a holo Dark
Charizard. I forgot what i traded him. I wanted to play my old friend who i
will use his initials J.Y. but he said he was playing someone else but he
wasn't! I hate him because he is a showoff!

Well after that i traded a Poke'mon Mom nemed Don which i traded her for:
Here Come's Team Rocket! non-holo
Dark Charizard non-holo
Dark Gyrados non-holo
Dark Vileplume non-holo

After all that trading and battling I just sat down waiting for battles. But
there was no people wanting to battle me.

Then i went on to get more cards fot my Rocket collection so i bought more
packs! I got:
Dark Hypno non-holo
Dark Golbat holo
Dark Dugtrio non-holo ( now i have 7 of them )
Rocket's Sneak attack non-holo

Then i was gonna battle a friend who i will call D.R. but time ran out. He
didn't want to play for fun so he left.

Next I was gonna play Don but J.Y. took my chair to clean up so we didn't

I got more cards for my collection and my MarshBadge. Then Brian gave me a
Holo mew and 2 Computer Errors.
Wait till next Saturday When I use my Psy/Grass deck with Mew,Dark Golbat,
Dark Hypno, and Scyther for the main theme of my new deck!

The statagy for this deck is to use mews Devo-Beam on Dark Golbat so i can
use Sneak Attack many many many times while doing Bench Manipulation! Till
next time Bye...Now For Props and Slops!!!

to Pojo.Com for being the best Poke'mon Site ever!
to Brian fo giving me Computer Errors, holo-Mew, and finding my badge book.
to everyone I traded for helping me almost completing my Rocket set> I just
need a Holo Dark Raichu and a Holo Dark Dragonite.
to my new Deck

to Brian for battling me a lot of times.
to J.Y. for being a fagg0t
to Toys "R" Us's new manegers for cutting down time and using less tables!

Well thats all! Bye Pojo! By the way my name is Jan!

P.S. Pojo please post my deck report Please i have worked soooo hard on
typing this and i always on your site everyday!