Hey fellow Pojo Maniacs! I got such a great response from my Super Trainer
Showdown report that I had to submit the end result to all your suggestions.
So without further ado heeeeeere's the new deck!

Pokemon: 21
4x TR Oddish
3x Dark Gloom(Neat combo-DK Gloom + Oddish  = the same effect as a Venomoth)
2x Dark Vileplume(All who seen my last deck know I LOVE this guy!)
3x Scyther (Most annoying basic grass I know)
2x Pinsir(The most powerful attack in the deck, DCEs help get it attack fast)
3x Venonat
2x Venomoth (By far the most annoying status effector ever)
2x Ditto (Most annoying {and Powerful} colorless in the deck)

Trainers: 20 (A vast difference than my last deck)
2x Bill (You know, it takes a while to not instinctively play a Bill while DK
Vileplume is out)
3x Prof. Oak (I put more of these in the deck because I need to draw cards
faster than Bill)
2x Gust of Wind
2x Pokemon Breeder
3x Energy Removal
2x Super Energy Removal (Mass energy denial is VERY annoying)
2x Pokemon Trader
3x Computer Search (See anything you need? Well, go get IT!)

Energy: 19 (Very rarely do I run out of energies)
4x Double Colorless Energy
15x Grass Energy

The strategy of the deck is to get out the DK Vileplume in combination of
Venomoth, fully charged Pinsir, or a Ditto and crush the opponent in the
lock. To stall until then, the deck uses status and Scyther to put early
pressure on the opposing deck.

Well here are the tournament stats.
When: June 21, at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Atomic Comics in Pheonix, AZ

When I got to the tournament most of the players had already signed up. When
I went to get signed up Jeremy (the person in charge of the tournament) told
me that in order to be in the tournament I need to have another player.
Unfortunatly, I didn't bring my little brother with me, so I was out of luck.
Bummer... Well, this ends this killer deck report.


The tournament started and I decided to stay a little while so I could get at
least a few games in. However, during the first round, an adult (who thought
the tournament started at 2:00) came with a young trainer and wanted him to
start the tournament. Realizing my opportunity, I imediently sayed that I
would be the newcomer's first match. Which brings me into:

Round 1 Vs. Grass Deck
We had very little time in this round so we had to play fast. I opened with a
Scyther and benched an Oddish, and a Venonat. He had a Fossil Oddish, and a
benched Bulbasaur. I start with a grass energy and swords danced. He gusted
for my Oddish. Placing another Grass on Oddish, I poisoned his Oddish. He
does nothing. I retreat for my Scyther, play a DCE on him and slashed for a
prize. He plays a Bulbasaur, put a fire(?) energy on it and passed. I didn't
want a SER, and ERed his energy  and slashed. He did nothing on his last turn
and I slashed his last basic away.

Round 2 Vs. Flaming Wiggly Deck (The game is a bit fuzzy)
This deck scared me because I saw it play during my idle time in the first
round and looked like he would slaughter me with it. I opened with a Scyther
and a  Pinsir on my bench, and I think he opened with a Jigglypuff and had a
benched Moltres. I start with a grass energy on my Scyther and Swords Danced.
He then but me to sleep and I rolled a tails. So I played a grass energy on
my Pinsir, I rolled a heads and he put straight to sleep the next turn. I
woke up and slashed. He played a Pokemon Center and played a fire energy on
his Moltres and evolved to Wigglytuff. Slash, next turn,  I played my oddish
and DCE on my Pinsir and drew my first Prize. He played a Moltres and Enery
Removaled my Pinsir, with his last Fire, he Wildfired. I retreated for my
Scyther, played a Ditto with a Grass energy on it, and Slashed. He played
another fire, wildfired,and it was my turn. I played another Grass Energy and
Slashed yet again. He drew another Moltres played it and Wildfired. I slashed
and drew my second prize. He wildfired with his new moltres and it was my
turn yet again. I retreated for my Ditto, and from there it was only a matter
of time when I divebomed his Moltres for his last basic.

Round 3 Vs. Froese and his Haymaker deck
I dreaded playing this guy. Normaly I don't remember names, but he is a
regular, and was well aquainted with allot of card games. After he drew out
most of his deck, I planned to stall using the status effects and the
Fighting Resist Pokemon. It worked and I ended up decking him. I was very

Round 4 Vs. Another Haymaker
This was another guy that I feared. Only because he is so dedicated to
winning. Fortunatly, I got my Dark Vileplume out in the pre-Meta game and
from there it was downhill for him, he didn't have enough energy to fuel his
Pokemon (probably planned to draw them all :-) and I ended up winning the
last round before the finals.

Pre-Finals From here on it was single elimination until there was a 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd.
Round 5 Vs. Haymaker
He was going very fast, but I got my Dark Vileplume out on my 4th turn. He
had a couple of Electabuzzes which I beat with my Dittos. From there he
wasn't that much of a threat (although he did try to play a ton of trainers,
instinct I guess :-)

Finals Vs..........HAYMAKER!!!!!
This was by far the closest match that I had. He had Magmars in his deck, and
despite the early Dark Vileplume, still managed to hurt me pretty bad. I got
rid of the Magmars with my Dittos, and when I he was down to one prize, I
managed t take down his Kangaskan with a Scyther, and he played a Mr.Mime. I
retreated for. . . DARK GLOOM and had full energy and poison powdered him.
The poison and damage was enough to take down the Mr. Mime.

Record W-6 L-0
I won a $25 dollar gift certificate and the reasurance that this deck is
deffinently much better than the old version of it.
To the late entry that let me play the tournament
To Jeremy for allowing us to play
For all the GREAT  competition that tested my deck to the limit
To all the trainers who gave me suggestions. Thanks

To the insane humidity that plagued the whole game.
To this annoying AOL that made me write this three times
To Fro for losing in the finals

Well that is all for the tournament. Oh! Also while I was there I found an
abandoned Oddish that was treated very badly. I will try to take care of it
and hopefully we can become friends. Please send him your support for a hasty
healing and for any other suggestions to thegamer83@hotmail.com. Till then
