Hi pojo I used this at the Pokemon League in Borders Bookstore in Glasgow on the 25th of June there was about 20 people there and most of them wanted to trade so I sometimes had trouble getting people to fight with.Anyway Heres my Deck
4 Psyduck
3 Golduck
3 Scyther
2 Chansey
2 Lapras
3 Jigglypuff
1 Wigglytuff(I only have 1)
4 Oak
2 Gambler
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Energy Removal
1 Nightly Garbage Run
4 Gust of Wind
1 Super Potion
2 Trader
20 Water
2 Double.C.E
Match 1 vs. Grass
I put down a Jigglypuff  and benched Scyther and Psyduck while he put down a Chansey,Snorlax and an Oddish.He sent out his Chansey while I put Jigglypuff in to play,I used G.O.W(Gust of Wind)to bring out his Oddish and used Lullaby,he never woke up so I Pounded away till I K.O.ed Oddish.He drew a Bulbasaur and Benched it and sent out Chansey again,i used another G.O.W.to bring out his Snorlax and evolved Jigglypuff he kept putting energy on Snorlax and I kept using E.R.(Energy Removal)to keep Snorlax out till i could K.O.it.Finally he sent out Scyther I Oaked to fill the bench and used Do The Wave to K.O.it.
Match 2 vs. My Mate with Grass/Psychic
My mate was running a new deck so he had a slight advantage he drew an Ekans,Koffing and Scyther.I drew a Scyther,Lapras and Jigglypuff.I sent out Jigglypuff and used Lullaby on his Scyther and he woke up.He attached a Psychic energy to Scyther and benched an Ekans.I drew a Psyduck and used Pound on Scyther.He drew a D.Golduck and evolved it from Psyduck and also evolved an Ekans into D.Arbok(with no energy on it), he retreated his Scyther in favor of D.Golduck and kept using Third eye.i Oaked and benched 2 Chansey and used Pound on D.Golduck.He used Potion and another Third Eye while I Pounded away his Golduck he got D.Arbok ready but I Energy Removaled it and D.Golduck eventually I K.O.ed his Golduck and sent out Arbok(with no energy)i oaked again and drew a Wigglytuff(yes)my bench was full so Do The Wave K.O.ed Arbok finally he sent out an injured Scyther and I used Do The Wave for the win.
Match 3 vs. Fighting/Electric/Grass
I knew this match was going to be tough right from the start cos this Kid was undefeated in all last weeks league and was still so far in his league matches this week.He went first and sent out Scyther and benched Snorlax and Kangaskahn.He attached Grass energy to Scyther and used Swords Dance I used Gust of Wind on Snorlax and he got REALLY ANGRY, I sent out a Jigglypuff and kept using Pound he did manage to get Body Slam in and took out my Jigglypuff I had a bad hand so I used gambler and only got to draw 1 card which was a Psyduck since my only other Pokemon was a Jigglypuff I tried sending out Psyduck which got K.O.ed and things weren't looking good cos I had no hand but my next card was a lifesaver I oaked and benched 2 Chanseys and a Scyther and got a Wigglytuff and 2 Water Energy I was stalling and building up my Pokemon on the bench and Kept using Double Edge then retreating my Chanseys to Kill of his Snorlax and he sent out a fully pumped Scyther i was about to deck out cos I only had 1 card left in my Deck so I used Nightly Garbage Run,Evolved a Jigglypuff and Do the Wave for the win.
Match 4 vs. Grass
This kid said he wouldn't battle me if the match wasn't sudden death so I agreed.I got a Chansey and a Scyther.I sent out Scyther and Built up Chansey and newly drawn Jigglypuff on the bench,he just put out Chansey so I used Gust of Wind on his Snorlax(I get a feeling of de ja vous with these kids they must copy peoples decks)and Oak to Put pokemon on my bench I send out a Jigglypuff and use Trader Golduck for Wigglytuff I use Do The Wave for 30 and Energy Removal his Snorlax on the next turn I never had any Energy Removal left so I sent out Chansey which I'd built up earlier on and Double Edge for the Win.
Me getting league Aerodactyl (I only just started a few weeks ago so don't slag me).
Being undefeated.
Getting good trades.
My mate complaining about forgetting his points book. 
send your comments to me at alan.dunk@ntlworld.com