4 rocket abra
2 dark kadabra
2 kadabra
2 dark alakazam
2 alakazam
2 mr. mime
3 fossil psyduck
2 dark golduck
3 chansey
2 movie promo mewtwo
24 pokemon
4 scoop up
3 pokemon centers
2 ser
2 gust of wind
2 nightly garbage run
1 challange
14 trainers
20 psy energy
2 potion energy
well there u have it.
now on to the report!!!!
first of all i would like to thang my mom for taking me
all the way up to red wing every
it is over 40 min away.
round 1 psychic blast vs april with mono-fighting
i mulligan.
then i get an chansey, kadabra, and the rest nrg.
i send out chansey, and she sends out hitmonchan(NOOOOOOOO)
and benches an onix, and a sandshrew.
i go first and draw a dark kadabra.
i lay an energy on chansey and pass.
she put s an energy on chan and does jab for 40.
i go.
i draw a psyduck.
i lay an energy on chansey and do scrunch.
heads. good.
she goes and puts another energy on chan.
she passes.
i draw a pkmn center.
i lay an energy on psyduck
i scrunch and it is tails.
she lays an energy on chan and
kills my chansey. i put out ducky.
i draw a energy.
i use headache. big whoop.
she lays an energy on sand shrew and evolves into slash
she does special punch for 40
i draw another kadabra.
i dont even do headache.
how embarrassing.
round 2 psychic blast vs. kyle with a haymaker
(cool haven’t seen those around for a while)
i start with an abra, and a chansey.
he puys a scyther out and benches a buzz.
i go first.
i draw a alakazam.
i lay an energy on abra, and do psyshock for 10 and the
he goes and puts a dce on scyther and passes.
i draw a energy.
i lay it on psyduck and do psyshock for 10 and no paralis.
he goes and lays a lighting energy in scyther and slashes
for 30.
i draw a energy and lay it on psyduck and do psyshock for
10 and the paralis.
he goes and benches a chan and lays a fighting on him and
i draw a ser and use it on scyther discarding the energy
on duck.
i psyshock for the paralis.
he goes and puts another fighting on chan and passes.
i draw a golduck and evolve and lay another energy on
i psyshock scyther and no paralis.
he retreats in favor of chan, lays a lighting on chan, and
does special punch for the faint.
i put out golduck and lay another energy and do super psy
for 50.
he lays a buzz on the bench and lays a lighting on him and
do special punch for 40.
i draw a kadabra and do super psy and the faaint picking
up a gust as my prize.
he senda out buzz and does thunder punch for the faint.
i send out chansey, and pass.
he lays another energy on buzz and does thunder punch for
i draw another kazam, and pass.
he does thunder punch for 30 this time and 10 to himself.
i dwr a potion energy and lay it on chansey.
i pass. he thunder punches for 40 again .
i draw a energy and lay it on chansey.
i scrunch and get tails.
he thunder punches for the win.
round 3 psychic blast vs. juan with raindance.
he starts out with a magikrap and i get a mime, scoop up,
and the rest energy.
i go first. i lay a energy on mime and pass.
he lays a energy on magikrap and does tackle for 10.
i draw a potion energy and lay it on mime and do meditate
for 10.
he goes and tackles for 10 again.
i meditate and kill karp
well if i wil my next 2 battles, i will get third.
hope for me.
round 4: psychic blase vs. alex with mono-fire.
i draw abra, chansey, mime, challenge, potion energy, and
2 psy.
he lays out a charmander, and a moltres.
i send out my abra, and bench the others.
i go first
i draw a gust and lay an energy on abra and psyshock for
10 and the paralis.
he lays an energy on charmander and passes.
i draw a ser and lay a energy on mime and psyshock for 10
and the paralis.
he lays a energy on moltres and passes.
i draw a dark kadabra nad then psyschok for 10 and the
he lays another energy on moltres and passes.
i draw a energy, evolve into dark kadabra, add the energy
to him, then fo mind shock for
30 and the faint.
i get alakazam as my prize.
he sends out moltres and lays another energy on him and
i draw a energy, lay it down and ser, followed by a mind
shocken attach for 30.
he lays an energy on moltres and does wildfire.
he discards a potion energy and a chansey.
i draw another energy and lay it on mime
i mindshock for 30 again.
he lays another energy on moltres and does wildfire
discarding a scoop up.
i then mind shock for the faint and the win.
he later told me that his next 3 cards were basics.
last round: psychic blast vs kacey with wiggly deck
well i get an abra, chansey, psyduck, golduck,
scoop up, and 2 energy.
i send out chansey and bench the others.
he goes first.
he sends out a jiggly and benches a jiggly too.
he lays a dce on jiggly and does pound.
i lay a energy on psyduck and pass.
he does pound for 20 again.
i lay another energy on duck and pass.
he evolves to wiggly, lays another energy, and does
do the wave for 20
i lay another energy on duck, evolve into into golduck,
and scoop up chansey, sent out
golduck, and do super psy for 50.
he goes and does lullaby and im sleeping.
i flip and wake up.
i super psyed for the faint.
i draw a challenge
he sends out jiggly, lays an energy and does lullaby.
i flip and its tails.
i pass
i flip tails.
he pounds for 20.
i flip heads and super psy for the faint and the win.
i get third.
i open my 4 boosters and get a holo dark arbok, holo dark
raichu, non holo dark
and a non holo rockets sneak attack.
now for the infamous props and slops:
props to my loving mother for taking me up to redwing
every weekend.
props to pojo for everything!!
props to team rocket
props to the zone
props to us getting out of school on the 26th of may
slops to NOTHING!!!
see u all later
kris at myuumatt@hotmail.com