City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Place: Pokémon League at Toys R Us
Date: 5-21-00
Participating: 15-20 people

Deck Name: Hay Fever

Pokémon:  (21)

4 Dark Vileplume (Non-Holo) (Fighting weakness)
4 Oddish (Team Rocket)
3 Grimer (Team Rocket)
2 Dark Muk (Team Rocket)
3 Bulbasaur (Base)
2 Venusaur
3 Scyther

Trainers:  (12)

3 Pokémon Breeder
2 Professor Oak
3 Bill
2 Computer Search
2 Item Finder

Energy (27)

4 Double Colorless Energy (DCE)
23 Grass Energy

Pokémon:      21
Trainers:        12
Energy:      + 27
                    60 Cards

DCI standard tournament format. No Japanese cards allowed.


May 21, 2000, 1.00 - 2.30 PM Eastern time.

Round 1: Hay Fever verses Raindance

Game starts with 2 Oddish, 1 Pokémon Breeder, 1 Computer Search, and 3 grass
energy, a decent hand. I play both Odish. Opponent plays 2 benched squirtle
and 1 active Lapras. I start first.

Turn 1: I pick up a card, a professor Oak. I put an energy on my active
Oddish. I use Poison Powder.
Turn 1: Opponent picks up a card and plays Articuno. He plays a water energy
on Lapras and uses Water Gun.

Turn 2: I pick up a card, a scyther. I play Computer Search and discard 2
grass energy. I get Dark Vileplume and evolve active Oddish with Pokémon
Breeder. I pass.
Turn 2: Opponent picks up a card and plays an energy on Lapras. He uses
Confuse ray, with confusion.

(I was sort of happy to be confused, so that I could play Proffesor Oak).

Turn 3: I pick up a card, a Grass Energy. I play it on Dark Vileplume and I
use Proffesor Oak because I'm confused.
I get 1 Muk, 2 Grass Energy, 1 Grimer, 1 Scyther, 1 Bill, and 1 DCE. I play
Grimer and pass. (Lapras now has 40 damage from poison).
Turn 3: Opponent picks up a card and uses Water Gun for 20 damage.

Lapras now has 50 damage on him from poison. I have 40 damage on me.

Turn 4: I pick up a card, a Grass Energy. I evolve Grimer into Muk and I put
a Grass Energy on Dark Vileplume. I use Petal Whirlwind and flip heads
because I'm confused. I flip 3 more times for the attack and get 1 heads and
2 tails.I pick up a prize, a Item Finder.
Turn 4: Player forfeits and says that he can't win. Oh well, theres 20 points
in my badgebook...

1  0  0

Match 2: Hay Fever verses Psychic Stall deck.

Game starts with 1 little Oddish and 6 Grass Energy. She starts with 1 Abra.
She starts first.

Turn 1: Opponent draws a card and passes.
Turn 1: I pick up a card, another energy and I put it on Oddish and I poison

Turn 2: Opponent draws a card and puts a energy on Abra and uses Psyshock
with no Paralysis. Poison does 10 to her.
Turn 2: I used poison powder just to get my turn over and the other poison
knocks out her lonely Abra.

2  0  0

Results of battles with different decks:
Raindance - This deck crushes Raindance if you get Dark Vileplume out fast
enough because then Raindance can't use Proffesor Oak, Bill, Pokémon Breeder
and so forth...

Stall - Stall is one of the toughest battles with Hay Fever because a Stall
deck uses a little number of trainers.
Just make sure you kill Abras before they evolve into Alakazam!

Haymaker - This deck is kind of like Raindance,  get Dark Vileplume out fast.
Just don't let them kill your Oddish!!!

This deck can do very good in battle and I think it has the quality of being
a new Archetype. Tell me what you think.. Good, Bad, what? Email me:

Timothy Babcock -

P.S - Please post this! It took a good hour to type it! Thanks a lot and PoJo
is the best!