Hello, I am Bobby. I went to a tournament about a week ago at the war
There were about 9 participants there.
Here is my deck: Haymaker
3 jigglypuff
4 wigglytuff
3 hitmonchan
4 scyther
4 energy removal
2 gambler
1 bill
1nightly garbage run
3 comp. search
3 plus power
11 fighting energy
10 electric
me vs. barnes w/ golduck/stall
I start of with an electabuzz, hitmonchan,2 electric,1 fighting,gambler
and dce. He had 2 phyduck and energy. I go first, i draw and attach
electric to electabuzz and shcock him for 20 with no paryalis. He goes,
pokeball and tails. He attaches energy and fury swipes with 1 heads.
draw, and its a plus power. I attach and punch for the ko and doing 10
to myself in the process. He attaches to the other phyduck, and fury
swipes for 20. i draw and thunder punch for the win.
record: 1-0
2 me vrs. moltres/arcticuno
He starts with arcticuno and magikarp and energy. I get 2 buzz, 1
chans, and scyther and energy. I call out bukk and bench chan. I go
draw energy comp search for plus power, which knocks out his magikarp.
he calls out arcitcuno. He puts energy and passes. i draw bech scyter
and energy plus power and then i gambler. I get energy, 1 plus power
and comp. search. I attach plus power. i flip and heads for 60. He
draws and passes. I draw and thundershock for the win.
me- I get a bye.
last round-me vrs turbo pikachu.
This match is for the 1st place. I go first and get 2 chan 1 scyther,
and energy and a gambler. I call out chan and draw, attach enrgy. and
jab for the ko. (he had 2 voltorbs on the bench). He calls out the
torb. attaches to a benched buzz.( he drew that last turn. I now have a
pumped up chan, in which i gust up his buzz and spcl punch for the ko.
he evolves his last poke to electrode base set. Then he knows he lost
so he bzzaps and i win.
record undefeated!!!
I get 3 team rocket boosters. in them, i get 2 rockets sneak attack( 1
holo and 1 non). And one non holo charizard.
You can e-mail me at: bmcnally@bellsouth.net.
I am thinking about
switching the buzzes and their enrgy to promo mewtwo and their energy.