Hey this is my first time submitting a deck but i thought it would be fun
Damge SwapX2 is my deck!!! This is not for tourney but just at saturday
Pokemon Leage at Wizards Of The Coast San Diego California.  here it is  Damag
e SwapX2

4 rocket Abra
3 base Kadabra
3 base Alakazam
4 mew's
2 movie mew2s
2 Mr. Mime
3 Chansey


2 comp. search
3 super energy pemovals
3 enrgy removals
2 rocket sneak attack
2 imposter oak's revenge
2 pokemon centers
1 pokemon trader


23 psy enrgy

     Now for the report

    Me VS. some girl with grass deck

    I draw mew, 3 psy enregy,rocket sneak attack, abra and kadabra
    I win flip and send out mew,, draw energy, and attach energy and skip she
has bellsprout and attachs energy and attacks for 10 on mew.  i draw energy
and attach it to abra and attack with psywave for 10 damage.  she attachs
energy and calls for family and benches her only benched pokemon [bellsprout]
i attach energy to abra and evolve and i attack for 20. she vine whips for
ten. i attach energy to kadabra and bench chansey and ko her bellsprout and
prize is ALAKAZAM!!!!!! she sends out bellsprout and attacks for 10.  in draw
a mew2 and bech it retreat mew and send out my kadabra and ko to

   Me VS some kid with water deck

  i draw mew, abra eveloution and 3 psy energys he wins flip and  sends out 
squritle  and attachs energy and attacks with para i bench abra  and attach
energy to mew and pass
   he goes and attachs energy to squritle and attacks with no para  i draw
and know what hes gonna do so i attach energy to Abra  and and attack for  20
he attachs enrgy to squritle and evolvels [just what i want!!!!!] and bites
me for ko
i draw chansey and bench it send out abra and psyshock with para
 he passes
 i attach energy and evolve for the knock out!!![ wartortle was his only

     Me Vs. [the same kid with the water deck] kid with posion deck
     i win flip send out abra attach ener gy and attack his fossil ekans for
20 and para
   attachs energy and passes so i attach energy to abra and attack  for the
win [no beched pokemon]!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I trade and get some stuff and league is over 

Props and slops 

Props to my mom for taking me
props to pojo for a tight site

slops to kid with posion and water deck for wanting to try to beat
slops to david for being late

     Thanks to you for reading this

    E-Mail is yallnome247@aol.com

    Chris crewz is off to build decks