Hey Pojo! The tourney I went to was at the
Guardtower in Columbus Ohio. There was 34 people. It was held on 3-30.
Well with out further ado, I give you Tuffer than Tuff.
pokemon: 18
4 Wiggilytuff
4 Jiggilypuff
4 Scyther
3 Mewtwo (promo)
3 Gastly (fossil)
trainers: 28
4 Oak
4 Bill
4 Comp. Search
4 Pluspower
3 Item Finder
3 Lass
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Gust of Wind
energy: 14 (I know this seams low but it works)
10 psychic
This is a turbo tuff (A.K.A Viagra) combined with
a sponge. Which one you play it as depends on the opening hand you get and
what kind of deck your opponent is playing.
Round one vs. JR with Turbo Wiggily deck
I had a horrible starting hand
with 5 basics 1 psychic energy and a pluspower. I thought I was done for. I
went first and drew a PC search I searched for Oak and used it. I played
another basic to fill my bench played a psychic energy on Jiggilypuff then
sneak attacked twice making him discard an Oak and a SER. Then I passed.
He played a grass energy on scyther and sword danced. I drew a Pluspower,
retreated for Jiggilypuff, played a DCE on it, evolved into Wiggilytuff,
Played a pluspower and waved for the KO. I drew a pluspower as a
prize. He brought out scyther and the same thing happened with that one.
He sent out Jiggily and put me asleep. I flipped a heads and waved for the
Round two vs. ??? with grass/bird deck
This hand was alot better than
the first one I had. I had a Scyther to a Kangaskahn. It took me three
turns to get a Wiggilytuff loaded.While I was waiting for a Wiggily I slowed
him down by sneak attacking away his Oaks and search engines. When I
did get one loaded I brought it out and waved for 60. he went played a energy
on Kahn and comet punched for 20. I waved again and KO'd his Kahn. he
brought out a Spearow, evolved his Doduo, played an energy on Dodrio and
passed. I waved for the KO on spearow. My prize, a Pluspower. He sent out Dodrio
played an energy and passed. I played a Pluspower and waved for the game.
Then came the barrage of Haymakers
Round three vs. cocky kid with haymaker
had a lot of self-confidence, too much if you ask me. This was my easiest game
of the day. I went first with my Mewtwo against his Hitmonchan. I played an
energy on Mewtwo, Oaked, and Absorbed back the energy. He played an energy and
jabbed. I went and Psyburned for the game.
Round four vs. Amy with haymaker
Amy is one of my friends that I
met at the league. We always have really good matches and this one wasn't an
exception. It took my a long time to get a Wiggilytuff going because she kept
ER/SERing my Jiggilypuffs, and I wasn't getting Sneak Attack. I gained a
3-6 lead with mewtwo KOing 2 Chans and a Scyther. She came back with Tauros,
KOing 2 Mewtwo. I stalled with the free retreat of Gastly and Scyther
untill I managed to get a wiggilytuff. I KO'd both of her Tauros. she ER'd
and Jabbed with Hitmonchan, leaving my wiggily with 2 energy and 20 HP. I
drew and did a risky thing. I searched when I only had 8 cards left in my deck
and pulled an energy and looked at what I had left. I played the energy and
Oaked, leaving me with 0 cards left in my draw pile.I knew one of them was a
pluspower so I played it and KO'd Chan for the win
Semifinals vs. ??? with electric haymaker
I only had a mewtwo in my opening
hand. He had a rocket Voltorb I drew a Mewtwo played it on my bench with an
energy and passed. He adventually KO' d my Mewtwo, so I brought in my
other one. I Oaked filled my bench and played an energy on Jiggilypuff and
Oaked again. I got a Wiggilytuff, three Pluspowers, and two Gusts of Wind and
a DCE. I absorbed 2 energy. he went and hit me for 20. I went evolved
Jiggilypuff into Wiggilytuff and Psyburned. he sent out a Electabuzz and
Punched for 30. I went Gusted for a Pikachu, played a Pluspower, and KO'd it.
then he sent out Buzz again and got 30 again. I gusted for another
Pikachu, played a Pluspower and KO'd it too. He sent out Buzz again and KO'd
Mewtwo with a shock. I sent out Wiggily and waved for the game.
Finals vs. ??? with Haymaker
I was really nervous now. I
found out that this kid beat the Viagra deck that Scott Gerhardt uses (or a
version very close to it). I got a early lead with Mewtwo giving me a 4-6
advantage. He KO'd Mewtwo making it 4-5 I brought out Wiggilytuff and made my
lead 1-4. Then he kind of shut me down with ER/SER, and tried to deck my.
he however overlooked one pokemon and ran out of ER for the other. He
overlooked a 4 damage countered Gastly with one energy on it. I played another
energy on it and Sacrificed him with a energy conversion, returning 2 DCE
to my hand. He didn't think you could do that so he read the card, and found
out I was right, because it doesn't speciffically saay BASIC energy cards. I
sent out a undamaged scyther. with no energy he slashed with his scyther. I
went and played a DCE on a Scyther on my bench, Gusted for a Hitmonchan,
sent out my fully loaded Scyther and sneak attacked away a scoop up of his. I
slashed for thirty. he went, drew and passed. I drew my last card and hoped it
wasn't a Pluspower, But I did have a Lass and three other trainers
including another Lass. I used it and Slashed again. He went and passed. I
slashed again and drew my last prize.
I got 4 base 2 boosters both fossil theme decks
and a talking Pikachu watch, for only $2. In my boosters I got a Venusaur,
Snorlax non-holo, pidgeot holo, and a scoop up
Props and Slops:
Props to my mom for driving me to the tourney
Props to Brian who told me about it
Props to Amy and the kid I played in the finals
Props to WotC for making Sneak attack SO great
Props to Lass for saving my hide in the finals
Props to the organizers at the tournement for
keeping it cheap
Slops to having an odd numbered tourney
Slops Amy who said that said that she'd battle me
and getting herself KO'd
Slops to me for being so bad with names
Slops to my PC for freezing the first 2 times I
tried to type this
Well thats about it.
Please E-mail any suggestions and comments to me
BIG red
P.S If any of you readers are going to Origins
this Summer in Columbus E-Mail me because I am always up for a challenge, and
I am going to be there every day.