Outer Banks, NC
Cards 'n Comics

    Okay, I am here to give one of the greatest trapper reports of all time. 
This deck has a winning streak of 29 games, netting me 5 Cool Porygons along
the way  =P
Here is the deck

4 Ditto (at least as good as any pokemon, but powers up faster)
2 Magmar (kills of Scyther in 2-3 turns)
2 Rocket's Scyther (awsome card see Jason's (ness) CotD)

4 Team Rocket's Trap
4 Rocket Sneak Atttack
4 Imposter Professor Oak
4 Item Finder
3 Professor Oak
4 Bill
4 PlusPower
2 No Removal Gym (seemed to help me, but i needed a gym to counter those darn
Chaos Gyms)
3 Gust of Win(d)                 40
2 Switch
4 Computer Search
1 Chaos Gym (just incase i come up against a C. Vileplume deck, that uses
goopgas to play own trainers.)    

4 Double Colorless Energy
5 Fire Energy
4 Grass Energy

Most  people disagree with having to different gyms in 1 deck, but I sure as
heck dont! 1 is very sitioational only (Chaos Gym), but in a mirror match,
this card can turn the tide, thats why u see a little more energy than
normal.  This deck also uses Ditto, the best pokemon out there, is as good as
anyother pokemon can be, and better cause of DCE.  This deck is desighned
tobe able to remove hands over and over again.  It is a great deck to use,
but 27 of the cards are either rare or holo's, but they are key to the deck. 
Here are the matches.

Round 1, me vs a kid with Thunderstorm Gift Box deck.

This was quick, a 2nd turn Ditto with 2 DCE and his lone Zapdos= 100 damage,
but by then, his hand was zilch =P)

Round 1 game 2.

A got a ok hand.  2 RSA, 1 Ditto, 1 Magmar, 1 Oak, 1 Fire and 1 DCE.  I
played Ditto with a DCE against a lone Voltorb.  I RSA an Oak and an Item
Finder (YIPEE).  I Oaked to get an Item Finder, 1 Plus Power, and some other
crud, but those were what i had been looking for for the K.O..  I played the
PP then Finderd for the Oak and lo and behold, 2 Traps, 1 RSA, 1 Imposter
Professor Oaks Revenge, 3 PlusPower.  I played a PP and a trap with heads, i
got rid of Electrode, GOW, and an Electric Energy.  I killed the Voltorb with
40 damage.  He sent out an Electabuzz (i guess he modifed the deck.) and
Shocked for 10 and no paralisis.  I returned fire with 2 PlusPower, and a
heads on the Punch.  He Super Potioned and passed.  I trapped his hand and
got rid of it completly.  I shocked for the K.O.  GAME OVER =P

Round 2 (shortend to 1 fun cause of time)  me vs kyle with a Wiggly.

He got a 2nd turn wiggly with no bench.  Ikilled it turn 3 with R. Scyther. =P

Finals 1 game.  Me vs stall deck (this is way time was short his matches were
all at least 40 min.)  I got his trainers early and wipped him out.  4
Chanseys and 2 Alakazams went down to Ditto.

pRIZES   3 bOOSTERS OF CHOICE, I CHOSE gYM challenge.  I got 1 R. Mewtwo, 1
R. Zapdos, and a Giovanni non holo

Props to pojo pokemon staff for kicking @$$ at the sts qualifiers.
Props to people who like soccer
props to packs

email me with hate, love, suggestion, and deck fixes at HMWSOCCER@aol.com