Lava Lamp (Fire, Electric)
by: Dracoon
D.K. Hobbies
St. Charles, MO
Sat. Oct. 28, 2000
15 kids
Okay, Dracoon here.  I've been to a few tournaments to know what works and what doesn't.  Of course, it all depends on where you play.  Right now, Wiggly decks are ruling the scene here at D.K.  Anyway, a tournament is coming up in about 2 weeks, and this will be the third time I will use this deck.  It has done good for me, scoring 3rd in the tournament before this one.  Anyway, on with the deck:
Lava Lamp
4 Magmar (Fossil)
4 Electabuzz
4 Scyther
2 Ditto
3 ER
3 Bill
3 Oak
2 Comp Search
2 Item Finder
1 Scoop Up
1 Rocket's Minefield Gym
3 Plus Power
3 Gust of Wind
9 Fire Energy
9 Electric Energy
Now at the tournaments, I have recently been getting down to the finals (at D.K. it goes Swiss for 3 matches, best 2 out of 3 for 1 win, get at least 2 wins, and you're in the finals which are single elimination) only to get beaten by Andy or some other experienced player.  But this time, it was a little different.
Round 1: got a bye
Odd number, and I got the lucky dice roll.  I got 1 win.
Round 2: Vs. Troy with Stall deck(!)
This was one of the longest matches ever.  We didn't even finish the 2nd round of our match before time was called.  So we went into Sudden Death.  He started off with chansey, me, a buzz.  He never got Alakazam or Breeder for his Abra, and lucky me got a Comp Search for a Gust, retreat Buzz, go Ditto w/ 1 energy, Gust Abra, Psyshock w/ Plus Power for 30 and game.  It was a very good match.  He won his first and got a bye for the third, so he made it into the finals.
Round 3: Vs. Eric with Hay
This was over short.  I got very bad hands for the two rounds I played.  Didn't matter, I was still in the finals.
Finals: note; in the finals, you are given a clean slate, so as long as you made it, you were okay.  And it is single elimination, so one loss and you're out.  Onto the finals!!!
Quarterfinals: Vs. Eric (again!)
I didn't believe my luck.  I battled this guy again!  But he got a bad hand.   I finished him fast.
Semifinals: Vs. Troy's father
I forgot what his name was.  Sorry.  He also got a bad hand.  I did him in fast.
Finals: Vs. Troy
The match he had just played with Andy had gone on for nearly 2 hrs.!!!  Andy screwed up and "let" Troy win.  Anyway......
Once again, he couldn't get Alakazam out in time.  I had racked 4 Prizes before kazam got out.  It was near the end of the match.  I was running out of cards.  I used all of my Gusts and Item Finders.  But luck was on my side.  Time ran out, and I had 1 prize left, he had 4.  So I won.
I got a $25 gift certificate, that I instantly blew on Gym Challenge.  Got Blaine's Arcanine and Giovanni's Nidoking.  Not bad.
Props and Slops
Props to D.K. for a fun tournament.
Props to everyone that lost to me for being good losers.
Props to Andy for letting Troy win so I could beat him.
Slops to Andy for letting Troy win.  I wanted to battle Andy!!!!
See ya later.