Treacherous_D (Electric/Psychic/Colorblind Water)
By: Treacherous_B
South Shore Plaza
Braintree, Massachusetts
Saturday, October 7th and Sunday, October 8th
Untold millions of people...
First off, I would like to apologize
for the extreme lateness of this deck report. It is, in fact, a report about
the Braintree Massachusetts STSQ, that I have simply taken forever (a month)
to write up. Bah. Another thing I should probably clear up is the type of my
deck listed above. I say "Colorblind Water" in reference to the
Psyduck and Dark Golduck I was playing...which are Water Pokemon with attacks
using Psychic energy. Think of these cards as white rappers, and you may
understand why I call them "Colorblind Water" Pokemon. Anyhoo, on to
the deck listery:
Pokemon (Pronounced by small children as
po-KEE-man): 13
4x Electabuzz
2x Movie Promo Mewtwo (Mmm...Mewtwo what
2x Ditto
3x Fossily Psyduck
2x Dark Golduck
Trainers: 24
2x Gust of Win (The "D" is optional)
2x Nightly Garbage Run
2x Thing-what-finds-Items (aka Itemfinder)
3x Computer Search
2x Professor Broke (As in "Broken")
3x Bill (That's William to you)
2x Energy Removal
3x Super Energy Removal
2x Scoop Up
2x Rocket's Sneak Attack
1x Broken chaos Gym
Energy: 23
10x Lightining Energy
10x Psychic Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy
Other: 1
1x Insanely Lucky Alakazam Coin
This deck was the one I played on
Sunday. The previous day (Saturday, for all of you slower people), I played
the same deck with no MP Mewtwo or Psyduck and Golduck. In their place, I had
4 Hitmonchan and one more Bill. But then again, I only got to round three with
that deck, and that wasn't enough to get my golden I changed it to
what you see before you. Now, on to what happened:
Round One, Flight 3 (the first for my age group),
VS. Annoying Misty's Poli-Stall/Beatdown
This one started out slow, with me
drawing a Buzz for an opener and a Psyduck to her Misty's Poliwag and normal
Poliwag (It should be noted that, in my opinion, anyone playing base Poliwag
is under the influence of something, or is tricky and has something up their
sleeve). Anyway, I lead off by shocking Misty's Wag with less-than-paralysis.
She Hypno Stares Buzz, who gets sleepy...and stays that way...because having
me win easily would be bad (I...guess). I draw, hit Psyduck with a Psychic
energy, and my Buzz wakes up at the end of my turn. She goes, Oaks, plays
Misty's Poliwag x 2...and makes my Buzz sleepy again. Buzz hates battling, and
would rather sleep, so I draw, attach another Psychic energy to Psyduck, and
flip. Buzz always enjoys seeing Misty's Wag put him to sleep, so he wakes up.
She draws, plays energy on one of her Misty's benched Wags, and puts me to
sleep...again. BUT WAIT! Buzz thinks he's had enough sleep, and wakes up! the
masses rejoice! I attack an Electric energy to Buzz, Oak, bench another Buzz
and a Ditto, and murder her active Wag. This is basically how the entire match
went, her putting me to sleep, and eventually shaking my Buzz loose the mortal
coil...but not until AFTER I had a fully charged Dark Golduck and Ditto. With
me up 1 prize to four, and 5 minutes left, she drops a Misty's Poliwhirl
against my poor Ditto. Ditto is murdered in one turn, due to insanely lucky
flips. Out comes Buzz, who dies in two turns, because he cannot seem to
paralyze Poliwhirl. Now I bring out my buff Golduck, who, with the previous
Thundershock assist from Buzz, feasts on Poliwhirl's brain. She brings out a
Poliwag (*snicker* *snicker*), and time is called...right before I would've
won due to Poliwag leaving the field in a body bag. Oh well, it was a good
match, and we had a large group of spectators. I start off well, going 1-0.
Round Two, Flight Three, VS. The bane of existence
(aka Turbo Wiggly)
I draw worse than a three year old
with alzheimers, and end up starting out with *GASP* a Psyduck! Wow. My
opponent draws Jiggly, Jiggly, Chan...and leads off one of his Jiggly's.
Praise be to Allah. Anyway, he goes first, puts a DCE on Jiggly, Oaks, fills
his bench, and pounds me for 20. I draw...and end up with a MP Mewtwo. Hoorah.
Psy energy on Psyduck, headache hoping he needs to Oak or Bill to get Wiggly.
Next turn, I discover he does not...evolving Jiggly and murdering poor ol'
Psyduck. MP Mewtwo lasts two turns, since he does not have a Pluspower. I am
defeated, but manage to get into Flight nine for *hopefully* redemtion...and
my golden ticket.
About two hours later...
Round One, Flight Nine, VS. Guy playing bad fire
He leads with a Base Magmar, which
disgusts me, and is ding so just thinking about it. I lead with Buzz, get two
lucky flips, and win because he plays bad Pokemon with 50 HP and expensive
Round Two, Flight Nine, VS. Ericka's Army of Weeds
This time I drew my two Dittos
opening hand, and just crushed his Bellsprouts. One of them managed to evolve,
but my relentless army of mimicing menaces Razor Leafed him down to size. I
end up taking the match, leaving him with four prizes.
Round Three, Flight Nine, VS. Water deck...
The person I'm playing is only 13,
meaning he is "playing up" in the 15+ category. His deck isn't bad,
mainly focusing on Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise and Lapras...all of which
are weak to my Buzzes. He knows this, and also knows what I'm playing, so he
doen't think he has much of a chance. After seeing my opening hand, neither do
I...since I draw 2 Buzzes and a ditto...followed by an Oak and a few energy.
After mowing through his 2 Lapras, and one Squirtle, he finally pops a
Blastoise...only he has no gas. I sweep him, but I know it was mainly due to
luck of the draw. We shake, and he walks off with his 4 packs. I am happy,
because I am now assured a golden ticket. Onwards!
Round Four, Flight Nine, VS An attempt at a Speed
Articuno deck...
I start off with buzz to his Lapras.
We both manage to fill up our benches, and he is busy building Articunos while
I murder his Lapras. He Oaks, accidentally throwing away his No Removal
Gym...allowing me to continue cutting his Articuno's down. Very angry, he
finally manages to get 3 energy down on one, and lays the smacketh down on two
of my Buzzes. An SER and a Ditto take him down for the count, and I go to the
finals. He argues the call about Oaking away his No Removal Gym, and is angry.
That's the way the cookie crumbles, mi amigo. Oh well...I strive to win this
thing, but my next opponent is a toughie...
Round Five, Flight Nine, VS. Bill and his Speed
I draw poorly, getting shafted with
Psyduck and that's it. I manage to get a Buzz out, but he's got pumped
Wiggly with a full bench. Realizing the hopelessness, I respectfully scoop,
shaking his hand and thanking him for a good, although one sided, game. I take
my packs, game, clothes...and golden ticket, and go get tasty food. It was a
good day.
Props go to:
John, for lending me the MP Mewtwos
Chris and Tom, for winning their flights
WoTC, for throwing such a good, free, tournament
And to that kid who sold me the chaos Gym for 5 rock!
Slops go to:
The angry guy who lost to me, for being so angry
The huge line at the Japanese place...
John The Greek, for not going to the STSQ...
Send all assorted emissions of wicked noise to:
This is Treacherous_B, signing off.