Scrunchy ( Psychic )
By: Jeremy Davis
Other World Adventures
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Saturday, October 28, 2000
About 15 People
This is my second deck report and I hope you like it.  My deck is known as Scrunchy .  Its like the Movie Mewtwo and Energy Flow idea, but it doesn't need Energy Flow. Here is my deck:
4 Chansey
4 Scyther
4 Gastly
4 Professor Oak
4 Bill
4 Computer Search
4 Item Finder
4 Scoop Up
4 Pluspower
3 Gust Of Wind
2 No Removal Gym
15 Psychic
4 Double Colorless
Get Chansey pumped up and then use Double-Edge.  If my opponent doesn't Ko Chansey, use Scoop Up to get the damage off, then use Gastly's Energy Conversion to get the DCEs back and use Double-Edge.  It works quite well.
This wasn't a Tournament, it was the Pokemon League.  I played 5 matches.  They were all good matches.  Here is the report!
Match 1: Scrunchy vs. Jason w/ Blane and Brock deck
I started with  Chansey.  Jason started with Brock's Geodude active.   He goes first.  He attaches an energy to Geodude and uses Call for Friend.  It gets heads.  He gets out another Geodude.  I go, attach an energy to Chansey and pass.  He attaches an energy to Geodude and uses Hook Shot, but Weak and Resist isn't applied.  I go, put Scyther on the bench and attach and energy to Scyther and pass.  Jason evoles Geodude in Graveler but doesn't have the right energy so passes.  I attach an DCE to Scyther and retreat Chansey.  I CPU searched for a Pluspower and use slash for a Ko.  To make the rest of the game short.  I eventually Double-Edge all of his pokemon for the win.
Record: 1-0!
Prizes Took:  Me: 6  Jason: 1
Match 2: Scrunchy vs. Jerry w/Blane's Pre-Constructed Deck
I stared with Gastly Active with Chansey and Scyther on the bench.  He gets no Basics Twice and eventually get a Blane Growlithe Active.  He goes first.  He attaches an Energy to Growlithe and uses Stroke to get an Energy from his deck and attches it to Growlithe.  I go.  I attach an energy to Gastly and use Lick with Paralyze.  He goes,  he uses Blane and attach two Fire to Growlithe, even though he didn't have Arcanine.  He passes.  I attach an DCE to Chansey and use Lick w/ Paralyze.  He passes right away.  I CPU search for a DCE an then retreat Gastly for Chansey attach the DCE to Chansey and use Double-Edge for the win!
Record: 2-0
Prizes Took: Me: 1 Jerry: 0  A No Bench Victory!
Match 3: Scrunchy vs. Tony w/ Raindance
I'm going to make this one short.  It was very suspenseful at the end so I'll tell that part.  I have 1 prize to go, He has 5.  I have 1 card in deck.  He has a Misty's Poliwag active me with a Chansey with 40 HP left after a Double-Edge.  Its his turn.  He thinks to either use Hypnotic Stare or Tail Rap.  He finally Decided to use Tail Rap, 2 Heads He Kos Chansey and wins, If 1 tail, I Double Edge for win!  His first flip is TAILS!  Its my turn, Double Edge for the win!
Record: 3-0
Prize Took: Me: 6  Tony: 1
Match 4 Scrunchy vs. Kid w/ Electric Deck.
I don't remember ANYTHING but Chansey did the job again.
Record: 4-0
Prizes Took: Me: 6  Kid: ?
Match 5: Scrunchy vs. Same Kid w/ Electric Deck
Same as before, Chansey Double-Edge through me Prizes for the win.
Record: 5-0
Prizes Took: Me: 6  Kid: ?
It was a good league.  I love this deck, me old deck worked sometimes, but not as much.  Read my other deck report Wigglytuff's Diet under Fire in October!    After I battled I Mystery Gifted on Pokemon Gold for some FREE ITEMS!  Time for PROPS AND SLOPS!
Props To:
Jason for always using a new deck for me to dismantle.  HeHe!  Also for being a great person to play!
My Dad and Mom for always letting me go to leagues and Touneys!
All of my Opponents for being great sports as Always!
The big Tourney next week Hopefully.
 Will for holding the League.
Survivor the Show
Slops To:
Star Wars TCG for no being a Pokemon Tourney cause of their tourney!
No one I fought!
The next Survivor taking SO LONG!
Help on Decks, Love Mail, Hate Mail, Ideas For My Deck, or just Comments on my deck, Email me at