Psychic Smog (Psychic/Grass)
by Steve Guthrie
Toys R' Us
Woodbury, Minnesota
Tuesday, September 12th, 2000
Roughly 20 total participants
Well, my deck this time is surely full of suprises.  I took some of the popular cards like Gengar, Sabina's Alakazam, and Scyther.  I also took some of the rarely used basics and evolutions like Koffing and Weezing for example.  My deck is based on total offense.  This goes from bench destruction to speed to not applying weakness and resistance.  Translations for Japanese cards are below the deck configuration.  Well, here is my deck.
Psychic Smog
4 Sabrina's Abra (any)
3 Sabrina's Kadabra
2 Sabrina's Alakazam
4 Gastly (Fossil)
3 Haunter (Fossil)
2 Gengar
3 Koffing (Basic)
2 Weezing
3 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
4 Bill
2 Professor Oak
2 Computer Search
4 Double Colorless Energy
12 Psychic Energy
8 Grass Energy
Translations for Japanese cards
P = Psychic Energy
C = Colorless Energy
Sabrina's Kadabra
P Life Down
Flip a coin.  If heads, put damage counters on the Defending Pokemon so that it only has 10HP remaining.
PCC Psyburn 30
Weakness: P
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: C
Sabrina's Alakazam
Pokemon Power: Psychic Connection
If Sabrina's Alakazam is your active Pokemon, and if you have any Psychic Pokemon on your bench, you may use 1 of their attacks as Sabrina's Alakazam's for this turn.  You must have the required Energy cards attached to Sabrina's Alakazam in order to use that attack.  You can't use this power if Sabrina's Alakazam is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
PCCC Megaburn 60
You can't use Megaburn on your next turn.
Weakness: P
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: CCC
This deck is based around Weezing's two attacks, as well as Sabrina's Alakazam's Pokemon Power and attack.  This deck can either be used as a total killer or as a weekling deck if you don't know how to use it, but that shouldn't be much of a problem.
First battle vs James (Team Rocket Deck)
This deck would probably be tough to beat mainly because James is very fond of Jungle Persians.  His other Pokemon are weak against Psychic types, but he's usually got a Meowth or a Persian to battle against every type except Fighting.  I went first, a got a Sabrina's Abra, 2 Gastly, 2 Psychic Energy, and an Energy Removal.  He started with . . . Ughhhhhhh! . . . a Meowth!  I used Lick to try and Paralyze, but it failed.  He attached a Double Colorless to Meowth and used Pay Day and got heads.  I put down a Scyther, retreated Gastly, choose Abra, and stalled until Abra got KO'd.  By then, I'd built up Scyther and it KO'd Meowth (my prize was a Sabrina's Alakazam).  Several turns later, I finally drew a Sabrina's Kadabra and evolved my Abra.  I built up my Sabrina's Kadabra/Sabrina's Alakazam and placed it active when my Koffing got KO'd.  I Megaburn"ed" his active Dark Weezing and used Psychic Connection to use my benched Haunter's Nightmare (I'd evolved Gastly a few turns earlier.  Next turn, I Megaburn"ed" his Fossil Ekans for the victory.
Second battle vs Fred (Grass deck)
This one was quick.  I got out a Gengar on turn four and used Dark Mind to KO Ekans (his only basic), so I won.
I spent the rest of the time trading with other kids.
No Props and Slops.
Steve Guthrie