Super-Zard  (fire w/colorless)
             By Jay Ingels
        At Toys'r'us, Moreno Valley,CA
      Last Saturday(9/16/00)

   IHey people whatz up? I haven't posted anything lately because 10th grade
doesn't leave much room for fun. I finally got around to building a new deck
and I wanted to share the results. If you have read any of my postings you
will notice that they are really centered on the haymaker decks. I thought
about that and I decided I wanted a different deck. I also wanted to try out
the prop15 rule. After testing this deck and the 15 trainer limit, I realized
I had more fun than I have had since pokemon came out in america. Really, it
is a ton of fun to use a very powerful pokemon like Dark Charizard against
hays or tiny weakling poke's. I highly recommend that everyone consider
trying the prop 15 rule. Trust me you will not regret it. Anyway on with my


4-base growlithe(good hp for starter/gret evolution)
3-base arcinine(awesome hitter)
3-base charmander(duh-charizard comes from somewhere)
2-dark charizard(awesome attack-really fun against poke's like weedles)
3-fossil magmar(no need for words)
2-Erika's Dratini(awesome!!!!!!power and okay attack =tightness)
1-jungle lickitung(high hp and stall attacks)
1-pokemon2000 movie multres(high attack-resistance-no weakness)


4-profesor oak(no explanation required)
2-rocket snek attack(get rid of disruption cards)
2-breeder(for charizards-sorry I can't stand dark charmeleon)
2-no removal gym(this deck is weak to energy removal unfortunately)
2-scoopup(erika's dratini gets to keep antagonizing my opponent)
2-pluspower(need extra damage for a ko anyone?)
1-itemfinder(oops lost that breeder in trash, NOT!)

23-fire energy
3-double colorless energy


 I never remember names so don't hold anything against me.

round 1-vs little 6 year old with dad's deck
this kid's dad built him a wiggly sponge that I had seen before and even
tested once so I knew how to beat them. I got to go first and I started with
e's dratini vs mewtwo(movie promo). I drew fossil magmar and benched it. I
attached a dce in my hand to the dratini and tail striked w/heads for 30
damage. He went and used a oak and suddenly had a bench full of pokemon
including a jiggly. I went after he absorbed energy onto mewtwo. I drew a
rocket sneak attack and used it to get rid of a super energy removal in his
hand. I attached an energy to magmar and tail striked w/tails for only 10
damage. He went and prematurely evolved his jiggly and used psyburn. He drew
a prize and I had to explain to him that it only did 10 damage. He was angry
but his dad shut him up. I drew a no removal gym, played it and striked the
mewtwo w/heads for the ko. He brought out the wiggly with no energies on it.
He passed and I drew a growlithe. I attached a fire to growlithe and striked
the wiggly for 30 damage. He went and attached a dce to a benched mewtwo. I
drew a scoopup and attached another fire energy to growlithe and striked for
30 again. He went and attached a fighting energy to a scyther on his bench. I
drew a pluspower and striked again for a ko. He went and sent out scyther and
attached a grass and did sword's dance. I drew arcanine and evolved and
attached an energy to arcanine and striked the scyther for 10 damage. He went
and simply passed. I drew a dark charizard and attached a fire to a
charmander on the bench. He never got any energy and I retreated dratini for
arcanine and ended up drawing all my prizes.

me-vs adult with energy removal deck
this deck had no energy removaling pokemon but he said it was because he had
4 er's and 4 ser's. I was lucky and got no removal gym out quick and loaded a
dark charizard up pretty fast. Around mid game I was ahead two prizes when he
koed my charizard finally and I brought a dratini. I striked 7 times in a row
with heads every time before he koed the dratini. I had 1 prize and he had 4.
He was low on cards so he forfeited.

Between rounds I bought a bag of reeses and everyone asked for one. I also
played various kids with my hay and also my wiggly deck.(I also do not take
any credit for my wiggly deck as I copied the deck from my next door neighbor.

round 3-against josh? with poorman'haymaker
His deck was mostly commons that had 20 attacks such as mackop and rattata
from base. I also saw one scyther. I started with a hand full of energy, a
growlithe and arcanine. My first draw was a no removal gym. You do the math.


round four-vs girl with water deck
It happened to be a dark blastoise deck with no base blastoise. I got out
charizard quick and took four unanswered prizes before she got out dark
blastoise and koed a charizard , two magmars, two ghrowlithe and finally
aprroached dratini. I kept striking to finally ko the big turtle. All she had
left was a fossil tentacool and that fell to lickitung after I scooped the

total record for this deck was 4-0-0
 and I had a lot of fun playing it.

Thanks for reading and if you want to e-mail me with suggestions my e-mail is