hi my name is alex
("the amazin canadian") i come from toronto,ontario
heres my deck that i got a invite with at long island. sunday
september 03 2000. and in the 15 and up.
4x (rocket)oddish (for gloom)
3x dark gloom (good pokemon power)
3x dark vileplume (awsome pokemon power)
4x magmar (for those dam scythers)
3x (promo)#3 mewtwo (oborbson is good)
2x scyther ( eh free retreat for me)
2x snorlax ( for gloom tails confuse. doesn't work)
2x the rocket's trap (take those cards)
2x nightly garbage run (you no why)
2x challenge (accepts fill my bench. decline eh a bill)
2x pokemon breeder (fast plume)
3x the boss's way (fast gllom and plume)
3x professor oak (you no why)
3x computer search (fast playing)
7x psychic energy
8x fire energy
4x dce
3x full heal energy
round 1 (candian plume) v.s (rainbow
this guy was easy. we fliped. he went first .all he had was
exeggcute i got mewtwo on my bench and magmar. i finished him off killed
exeggute 2nd turn
round 2 (canadian plume) v.s (rain dance)
he was tuff he had 3 squirtles 1 articuno. but i was
lucky i got 2 dce, 1 snorlax, 1 oddish, a mewtwo , a psychic and a oak.
i went first. snorlax as my active and his was articuno. i put
a dce on him .done. he picked up a water played it on articuno. done. i picked
up an oddish put and played it i put another dce on snorlax. body slam.
paralized. he drew a card put another water on articuno.done.i drew a d.gloom
pokemon power .confused him. I put a psy on mewtwo then oaked.
a got a breeder. breederd plume(what i needed) .30 not paralized. he
finnaly drew a breeder but it was too late . he coulden't win cause he only
uses breeder to evolve so i keept on body slamin for the win.
round 3 (canadian plume) v.s (another rainbow deck)
he was an ok player he had a eevee and a magikarp. and i got a
he went first put a fire on eevee did .20 i drew a magmar so i
attached a dce on mewtwo since i had no fire .then i oaked.
got plume, gloom, 2 oddishs, 1 fire,1 psy and another
dce.put down the oddishes. done.
he evoved in to a flareon. put a dce on he quick attack .tails
10. i picked up a breeder. put a fire on magmar. evoved gloom then
breederd plume. put a psy on mewtwo since no more eevee. obsorbsion.psy psy on
mewtwo. he put a water on magickarp .did another quick attack tails my turn. i
picked up a fire put a fire on magmar. 40 done.he evoveled to d.garados 10
tails again .i'm very lucky that i pick up a scyther put the dce on him.
40 knock out. he put his d.garados out put a water .done. i drew a comp. 40.
he drew another water knock out i put out my scyther put a fire. slash 60
.game i win.
i finnaly got my invite now to round 4.
round 4 (canadian plume) v.s (syther mewtwo deck)
he started with a rocket's scyther and mewtwo and i got magmar.
i went first 20 he put another r.scyther put a grass on scy on the bench.
done. i put another fire on magmar knock out. he put another grass on scy. he brought
him out shadow images. i put a scy on mewtwo. fliped heads . fliped again
tails.40.done.he put another grass shadow images. i went put a fire on
mewtwo. fliped tails. he went 40.done. my turn fliped head then head
again.poisioned.done. he retreated to mewtwo put a psy. on mewtwo
oborbsion fire thats it. i went. retreated as well knock out by my mewtwo he
brought out his R.scyther shadow images. i went fliped heads i won FINALS
FINALS (canadain plume) v.s (fire fighter deck)
he was hard yet i new i was lucky cause he oaked 5times
he waisted 4comps billed 4 itemed 3. but i won by deck out cause he oaked and
billed too much. he waisted all of his good cards to knock out my magmar and
thatnx for reading .
<ed note: Congrats Alex! Sorry we've
been bad e-mailers...but we will be in New Jersey as Doll and I both qualified
in Kansas City this weekend! Woo Hoo!!! -Scott>