Mewtwo's Revenge
Melissa Hebra
Toys R Us
Miami, Florida
September 30, 2000
About 30 people
Well, I got there just in time to help out. Our gym leader told us he did
not want us to start battling or trading yet, he wanted us to help putting the
tables and chairs down first. Almost all my friends were there. The gym leader
told us we were going to start Victory Road next week, and he showed a sample of
the booklet. Some people said it was kind of confusing, I did agree with them.
Now on with the deck!!!
DECK (60)
Pokemon 19
Hitmonchan 2 (Kills those buzzes.)
Jigglypuff 3 (Wigglytuff's got to come from somewhere.)
Wigglytuff 2 (One word: Killer.)
Mr. Mime 2 (Stops Raindance.)
MP mewtwo 3 (Same as Wiggly.)
Base Mewtwo 1 (Stalls for a while.)
Scyther 2 (Turn two disaster.)
Ditto 2 (Anything you want it to be.)
Chansey 1 (Whish I had more.)
Kangaskhan 1 (Can you say Card Advantage?)
Trainers 15
SER 2 (No energies please.)
Professor Oak 3 (Bad hand, don't think twice.)
Plus Power 3 (Stops anything on its tracks.)
Defender 3 (Protection.)
GOF 2 (Is that a Magikarp I see there?)
RSA 2 (Bye-bye oak.)
Energy 26
Psychic 14
Fighting 8
Battle 1 Mewtwo's Revenge vs. Pain Amplifier Deck
He kept getting no Pokemon, so I got the extra cards early. Unluckily all
I can say is that my hand was bad at the beginning, but when he did not get any
basics I drew new cards like 2 times, that's when I got the PP and Oak to help.
It took a couple of Oaks to make a difference. He had his Doduo active, with
benched Ancient Mew and Sabrina's Gengar. I had Wigglytuff active and full
bench, I gusted out his Sabrina's Gengar, SER it, attached a PP, Oaked, hoping
for another one but nothing came. I did 70 damage to it. He attached energy and
retreated (darn!). He put out Ancient Mew and did 10 damage to Wigglytuff
because of resistance. But from that point on it was easy because I destroyed
the base hitter of the deck, Ancient Mew.
Battle 2 Mewtwo's Revenge vs. kid with a Grass Deck
He was tough! The cards were not coming my way, no Oaks to help, no
Wigglys, all I had was two helpless Mewtwos with no psychic energies. Guess what
Battle 3 Mewtwo's Revenge vs. Dark Muk deck
I started with a hand full of good/bad stuff. A Mr. Mime, Jiggly, and
Mewtwo. Again, no energies, but soon a miracle, an Oak!!! I loaded Wiggly out
but if it got in trouble, it had to pay 2 more to retreat because of Dark Muk's
power. It ended with my poor Jiggly dying because it could not retreat.
Battle 4 Mewtwo's Revenge vs. Old Man Deck
He started with Kangaskhan active, benched Chansey, Pinsir, Scyther,
Kangaskhan, and Magikarp!? I started laughing at it, and he said: '' Looks can
be deceiving.'' Yeah right! I had Jiggly and Mewtwo, with a Wiggly wating and
double colorless. He just kept adding energies to it, soon he evolved it to TR
Gyarados. Well he did not even use Gyarados when it came, it was just a bench
warmer. He just kept healing his Pokemon, but soon ran out of poke centers.
He offered me a rematch, so I accepted.
Battle 5 Mewtwo's Revenge vs. a Raindance
This match was easier than the other. He had a Squirtle, which he pumped
up with energies. I used RSA his hand, he had 2 Bastoises 1 pp, 3 oaks, and
energies. I made a BIG mistake and shuffled his oak back to his deck.
Anyway he told me that those were his only Blastoises on his deck. On the end of
the game I needed an extra pp for KO. I had like 20 cards in my hand, I was
afraid to Oak because I didn't want to deck before him. I ended up killing his
Chansey in two hits.
After battling, I bought 3 Japanese gym 1 boosters and got Rocket's Moltres,
Rocket's Hitmonchan, and Lt. Surges Magneton. I also bought 2 base boosters and
got Scoop Up, Lass, and DCE. Then when I got home I received 3 Base Set 2
boosters and 1 Jungle ( I got them on Ebay.) I also got a holo Blastoise, non-holo
Victrebel and Snorlax on the Base Set 2 ones. And a holo Pidgeot on the Jungle
Props and Slops
Props :)
Props to Pojo.
Props to Scott Gerhardt
Props to my friends for not being sore losers.
Props for my friend for getting a holo Dark Charizard in a TR booster.
Props for my dad for taking me.
Slops :(
For Victory Road starting next week and not today.
For the STS Tournament being a month away (It's in Fort Lauderdale, October 28th
and 29th.)
Thanks for reading!!!! :)
"Melissa" <>