Dirty Wiggly v1.0 (colorless/fight)
created by FuBaRb
Borders Books
Motgomery, PA.
Sunday September 30th, 2000
    Heyo, this is my 1st deck report because i just joined pokemon league and usually just play on mirc for myleague take a peek at my rank ;) anyway, i call this deck dirty wiggly cause it is a mix between a wigglytuff and a trapper, (wigglytuff deck that gets down and dirty with team rocket) anyway, in a nutshell, it's a deck that will make your hand look worse than my room, and then beat you down with wiggly. I just got registered on DCI and i'm off to a good start. The people here were okay, but not as hard as playing on the net. ok, here's my deck!
Pokemon (15)
3 Wigglytuff - yes, another wiggly deck
4 jigglypuff
2 Scyther - amazing starter, but loses his power in mid to late game, so only 2 are needed here)
3 Hitmonchan - takes out opposing wigglies, and colorless, and buzzes, and is fast (good for metageme on mirc at least, and good here too)
2 Ditto - (fast and versatile)
Trainers (35)
4 Professor oak - IMHO, no non stall deck can constantly do much with less than 3 oak, though there are probably are exeptions
4 Comp. Search - 4 are used because you always seem to need it, and is reliable (not like my computer)
4 item finder - Almost equal to search, get back trainers i used for more havoc. More powerful in mid to late game. 
4 The Rocket's trap - a heads with this demon can bring a tear to a glass eye, can mess up your hand badly, especially when in a combo wit imposter oak's revenge.
3 rocket's Sneak Attack - AMAZING card. I hurt you, and not myself, always works, i see your hand, enough said. (still need a fourts, but nobody will trade me one without a deal that includes one of my 4 charizards.)
2 Lass - helps with anti-decking, and can just ruin your opponent, the atvantage for you is, you choose when it comes out.
2 Imposter Oak's Revenge - plain annoying by itself, and is just nasty if you get a heads on trap along with it
4 Plus power - used for 70 damage wigglies, and other neat stuff
3 Energy Removal - IMHO, better than ser cause it doesn't hurt you, and is quicker. only 3 here because need room for traps and other deadly weapons.
2 Gust of wind - only 2 because not needed all the time, but enough so you can get it when needed
2 Scoop Up - helps out in situations like hitmon vs. scyther
1 Nightly Garbage Run - until i get another rsa, this can help out with keeping a few cards in my deck.
Energy (11)
4 Double Colorless Energy - no coment
6 Fighting Energy - 6 may seem low, but works good with greedy hitmon.
    Well, this was my 1st time with this deck, and 1st time at pokemon league. I only got in 3 games not only from being late, but having to sign up. (3 games in a half hour is pretty good)
Game one vs. kid with strange light/grass deck
(we played 4 prizes) I got a plain bad hand, it went like jiggly, wiggly, item finder, trap, fighting, plus power, and removal he played voltorb (rocket) active and i went 1st. i trapped, got heads, (yay) and did lullaby with him not sleeping. he attached light to voltorb, played kangaskann, and nidoran (F) on bench, and did 20 to jiggly.
i evolved to wiggly, drew dce, attached it,removaled light from voltorb, and lullabied again and he stayed awake. he then drew light and did 20 again. i drew hitmon, benched him, and finally put him to sleep. He stayed asleep for like 4 turns straight until i drew oak. ithen attached fight to hitmon, discarded dce to wiggly, retreated, and ko'd voltorb.he played kangaskhan, and played hitmon, but was soon taken over by hitmon, and wiggly with a full bench.
1-0 (1-0 overall)
Game 2 vs. some other kid with psy/fire.(who also played 4 prizes)
i get hitmon and a bunch of fighting , and 2 plus power. he had charmander active and mew benched. i win flip and go 1st. i attach fight, and jab char., he scratched me for 10. I attach again, and play plus power and ko it. he plays mew, and psywaves for 40. i play fight and plus and beat him.
2-0 (overall 2-0)
game 3 vs. little kid with fire deck. i saw him with a jiggly in his game so i thought it would b a challenge. (he played only 2 prizes)
i get a pretty good hand but don't really remember it. jiggly is active and he sas rocket's snorlax. don't really remember this game, but i later on get full bench, with wiggly, and take out his pokes. a jiggly and char, winning with 2 cards in deck thanks to gow.
Well, pretty good for my 1st day, (3-0 so far) and i'll probably write about the tourney on wednesday.
Questions or comments? e-mail me at FuBarb@hotmail.com
props 4 my mom for finally taking me
props to my deck for being the G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) at least in THIS league. (other people had some ok decks, but nuthin amazing)
slops to me for bieng late (i soulda been like 6 or 7-0)