Deck:Mewtwo's Dark Army Part2
Where: Toys R Us Stockton, California
Date: 10/3/00
This is the newest version of my Mewtwo's Dark Army deck.  The strategy is at
the bottom.
Mewtwo's Dark Army Part 2:
Tsunami  Mewtwo
11 Psychic Energy
11 Water Energy
3Mp Mewtwo
3Dark Kadabra
2Dark Alakazam
3Misty's Staryu
2Misty's Starmie
2Misty's Tentacoll
1Misty's Tentacruel( I need more of these.)
4Gust of wind
3Computer Search
1Cerulian Gym
3Rocket's Sneak Attack
1Item Finder
The strategy of this deck is to get out Mewtwo early and set havoc on your
opponet. Dark Alakazam can take care of those colorless pokemon. Misty's
Tentacruel is for status effects and Misty's Starmie can help stall with 80HP
and an attack that may paralyze.
On to the report!
Round1: Mewtwo's Dark Army vs. Psy/Fire :)
This was easy. He told me how no one could beat his "Ghost-Zard" deck. My
hand was: Misty's Staryu, Com. search, Rsa, 2Water, 2Psy. I won the flip. He
starts with a lonley Rocket Char. I attach an energy, got rid of his Oak and
passed. He attaches an energy and fire Tails. I com.search for a Misty's
starmie, attach an energy and win.
Round2: Mewtwo's Dark Army vs. Mewtwo's Dark Army?
This guy had a Mewtwo's Dark Army deck with Mewtwo, Dark Hypno, and Dark
Charizard. My hand is Mewtwo, Com.Search, M. Tentacoll 1 Water, 3Psy. I lose
the flip. He starts with an active Rocket Char. and a benched TRDrowzee. He
attaches an energy to char and attacks. I use Com.Search discard 2 psys, and
got out a Misty's Tentacruel, and absorb. He attacks with Fire Tail. I attach
an energy to M. Tentacoll and knock out Char, my prize is a water. He evolves
Drowzee into Dark Hypno and K.O.s Mewtwo. I send up M. Tentacool and he can't
attach an enrgy to Hypno next turn. He plays a Mewtwo on the bench, attaches
an energy to it, and Psypunches. I draw a RSA and got rid of his plus power:)
I attack and flip tails.  He has no energy and Punches. I evolve M.Tentacool
into M.Tentacruel and confuse Hypno, knocking itself out after attaching an
energy to Mewtwo. He sends up Mewtwo, I confuse it, he flips for Psyburn......
Tails!!!I win!
Round3:Mewtwo's Dark Army vs. Legendary Birds deck( MP Articuno/ Rocket's
Zapdos(See trans. at bottom) / Rockets Moltres)
To make a vvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy long story short, Mewtwo blasted 4
of them into oblivion before he decks.
Round4: Mewtwo's Dark Army vs. Haymaker.
Mewtwo destroyed his Hitmos, Starmie got rid of Magmars, and Tentacruel
confused Scythers to give me a win.
Round 5: Mewtwo's Dark Army vs. Trapper:(
This is my first time agianst a trapper. He ruines my hand, can't recover,
destroys me with buzz and Chansey.
Round6: Mewtwo's Dark Army vs. Mono-Posion:)
1 word: MEWTWO (I killed them all with one.)
5-1 :P
Props and Slops
Props to my Uncle for taking me.
Props to pojo
Props to Scott Gerhardet( I hope I spelled it right  (close..no "e" at the end) )
Mega Props to Mewtwo and Misty's Tentacruel
Props to all the people I played for being good sports (I don't play agianst
little kids.)
slops to cheaters
Slops to anyone who makes this an archatype( I hate them!!!!!!!!)
Slops to people who  think this isn't my original deck ( I changed my screen
Mega Slops to Trappers (No offense to people who play em)
My email adress is Pokemastergold33@aol.com
See ya!