Elon College, NC
September 2, 2000
Hyper Cleaner 3
    I have to honestly thank those who post here at pojo becuase I got the idea for my deck here.
 My deck:
4 Jigglypuff (balloon that kicks! )
3 Wigglypuff (Awesome in any deck)
4 Growlithe (the heart and future of Arcanine)
2 Arcanine (base)-(the cleaner deck flagship pokemon)
1 Arcanine (promo)-(good for making quick comebacks)
3 Likitung-(s--t--a--l--l)
Pokemon: 17
16 Fire Energy
Energy: 20
4 ComputerSearch (much better than pokeball)
4 Pluspower (Knock em' dead)
4 Professor Oak (powerful drawing ability)
3 Gust of Wind ( is that a karp I see back there? )
3 Swtich (get your butt out there Arcanine)
3 Challenge (The idiot tester or like an extra bill)
2 Erika (Like bill but better)
Trainers: 23
Battle #1: Me vs. Chubby kid with psychotic waves deck:
I started with a jiggly puff and a growlithe, plenty of energy, a plus power, and a comp. search. He sends in a Squirtle with a mew and a squirtle on his bench. This game was very simple because this kid never has any energy or trainers in his deck. He never attacked me! My likitung took out three of his pokemon thanks to pluspowers. My likitung killed a squirtle, mew, and a horsea before I retreated it for my Fully charged Arcanine. The game blew by awful fast because he did no damage to me.
Battle #2: Me vs. Kid with Atomic Punches deck:
This guy is #6 in the league.....but he didn't seem to be. He started with a Charmander. I started with a jigglypuff out and a growlithe benched. This battle was won in about  3 turns(very fast). I put a double colorless energy on puff and attached a plu pluspower to him to do 30. He attached a fighting energy and scratched my puff. I drew a comp. search and used it to get a Arcanine. I put a fire energy on Growlithe. and pounded him for the win.
Battle #3: Me vs. Kid with Atomic Punches Deck (REMATCH):
This time he must have revised his deck because I got creamed, but I held out for a good while. I used a likitung to stall 'till i got  a puff and Comp. Searched for an Erika and got a DCE, a switch, and a Wigglytuff. PERFECT! - I thought. He started with two machops who eventually killed tuff. All I had was two growlithes due to an Oak. He somehow got three other charmanders on his bench and pu tons of fighting energy on his Charmander! I finally figured out that he must have had his base charizard in his hand becuase of energy burn. I managed to kill two of his machops and was eventually  knocked out with a charmander.
Battle #4: Me vs. Kid with Heated Foliage Deck:
This guy basically stunk. I had a fully charged Arcanin in 3-4 turns to kill all his grass pokemon which is what he had the whole time. His Venonats, Oddishes, and Tangelas.
Props & Slops:
Props to me for getting 100 points that day
Props for a deck I made that very day for doing so well
Props to that kid with the grass/fire deck for not being a sore-loser
Slops to me for not winning anything
Slops to the gym leader for not continuing the tournament.
Slops to me for not sending my original report with my e-mail address on it
adsize@netpaht.net for info.