K.E.D.D. v1.0 (Water)
by Jason Stover
York, PA
About 25 people

The name of my deck is K.E.D.D. v1.0 &
my deck consists of:


3 Squirtle
1 Wartortle
1 Blastoise

4 Poliwag
1 Poliwhirl
3 Poliwrath (almost garantued to get one powered up)

4 Psyduck
3 Golduck


3 Bill
2 Computer Search
4 Energy Removal
3 Pokemon Breeder
2 Professor Oak
3 S.E.R.



Batttle 1- Basically I got poliwag and psyduck and golduck and a few water. 
I put poliwag in to play and psyduck on my bench.  I won the coin toss and
found he had electabuzz and machop.  So, I put a water on poliwag and did 10.
 His turn he layed an electric and did 10 not paralized.  Then I used energy
removal on electabuzz and put another water on and did 20.  He went and did
10 paralized and I layed on psyduck his turn he layed and killed poliwag I
drew and did ser and fliped two heads for 20 and he went did 20 and not
pararlized I fliped two heads again and killed him he layed a fighting on
machop and did 20.  I evolved and put down a squirtle and put a water on
golduck and did 20 and remove. he did 20 again and I did it back again and he
didn't have a fighting so I won.

Statistics- 1&0

Battle2- I pulled two poliwags and my oponent pulled a erikas belsprout I
went first did 10 and my oponet did 20 no posion.  I did 20 and my oponent
hurt poliwag by evolving and doing sleep poison so I didn't wake up and I did
ser then I died then he layed and couldn'y attack I layed and did 10 then he
layed and did sleep poison I didn't wake up so I evolved into poliwhirl and
did energy removal and amnesia then he layed I went evolved into poliwrath
and won.

Statistics- 2&0

Battle3- I started with squirtle and he started with a gym ponyta and he went
first he  layed and put down a base ponyta. I went did 20 and paralize he
went layed on the other ponyta I energy removaled layed and attacked he went
layed and I evolved and layed another water and used breeder then he died off

Statistics- 3&0

Battle4- I started with poliwag and psyduck I put psyduck out and was up
against hitmonchan.  I went first and layed on poliwag knowing I had prof.
oak and poliwhirl. he went and did 20 I went layed another water and evolved
and then oak and got wartortle and 2 poliwraths and I did energy removal. he
went di 20 again and I layed poliwrath retreated and did 30 he went didn't
pull a person and I won again.

Statistics- 4&0

Battle5- To spare you all the reading basically he got three hands in a row
with no basics and I got a squirtle and two poliwags and the whole family.
built up on poliwag evolved and got 6 straight prizes with him.(Easy win)

Statistics- 5&0

Battle6- I faced a magmar deck and he started with a fossil magmar and a
blaines one on his bench. He killed me because he got him built up and I
didn't kill his dumb magmar before he killed all my basics.

Statistics- 5&1

Hey, not bad for my first awesome deck.

Then for my 4 packs alright.  Nevermind that all sucked which it did I got
all base2 non holos: 2 pinsirs, 1 mr.mime, and Item finder.

Props & Slops
Thanks to Cody's mom for taking us and for picking us up afterwords
Slops- to getting absolute poo out of my packs.

Thanks for reading my long and slightly boring story.

Jason Stover